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06.08 | 15:07
Dziękuję za informację. Pozdrawiam Monika P.
06.08 | 13:03
Pani Moniko, o ile wiem, to obecnie wygłaszanie są o godź. 7, 12 i 19-tej inwokacja na rzecz zakończenia wojny na Ukrainie. Póki co, każdy wygłasza je indywidualnie. Z serdecznościami! P. K.
06.08 | 11:39
czy są osoby mówiące dekret za Polskę np. niedzielę o 21:00 ? pytam bo jest napisane, że dwie , trzy osoby mają wygłaszać ten dekret.
25.02 | 09:49
Z serca polecam albo "Jak TY możesz zmienić świat" albo "Ku pełni wyzwolenia kobiet" . Z serdecznościami! P. K.
Part 1: My existence before coming to earth
Part 2: My first embiodiment on earth
Part 3: The downward spiral
Part 4: The Upward Climb
Part 5: The Venisian Mystery School
Part 6: Preparations for Jesus' mission
Part 7: The conclusion of Jesus' mission
Part 8: How they created Christianity to destroy Jesus' mission
Part 9: The fallen beings inthe modern era
Part 10: The Armagaddon of the 20th century
Wise is the person who, before rejecting a new idea, considers whether it might explain something that existing ideas cannot explain.
Every human being is having entirely subjective experience. All struggles
between people is the result of some poeple presenting their subjective experience as universal and seeking to force them upon others.
The struggle between individalas and groups of people is caused by desire to make a subjective experience universal trough the use of deceit or force.
Abbreviations in the text of the book
PCBs - Power and Control Brokers
CIA - Crippled Imaginary Ability
WCs - Weapons of Control
PIN - Programmed Illusion of Normality
USA - Unsubstantiated Anxiety
USSR - Uncontrollable Social Suppression Response
PRC - Pathologically Restricted Cognition
VRA - Very Rude Awakening
VHA - Very Happy Awakening
DDT - Deliberately Deceptive Thinking
SHK - School of Hard Knocks
Part 1:
My existence before coming to earth
People can be divided into two categories: those who have considered the question “Why am I here?” and those who have not considered this and related questions. Because the physical matter that makes up earth is so much denser than on the vast majority of inhabited planets, it is easy to ignore certain questions here. However, due to the density of matter, one cannot ignore these questions forever. Dense matter defines a limited lifespan for the bodies we are using as vehicles for interacting with this planetary energy matrix. So there will come a point where one has a VRA (Very Rude Awakening) and realizes that one’s current body will die within the foreseeable future. This does make certain questions spring to the forefront of one’s mind. One can postpone these questions for a while, but they are inescapable questions—eventually.
Among those who have considered these questions, one can again create a division between those who have not found answers and those who have. I have found answers to the question of why I – personally – am on this planet, which belongs to the lowest category of inhabited planets in our universe. My purpose for writing is to give the full explanation of why I am here. And by describing key aspects of my long journey on this and a few other planets, I will indeed give a full and complete explanation.
I want to make it clear that I will give an explanation of why I – personally – am here. It will be an individual, subjective explanation. I am saying this because the central problem on dense-matter planets like earth is that most inhabitants of such planets (of which there is a relatively small number left in our universe) have not understood the central dynamic on these planets.
The basic dynamic on dense-matter planets is that every single inhabitant is having an individual – a subjective – experience. On a dense-matter planet, it is categorically impossible to have anything but a subjective experience. In fact, the very purpose of a dense-matter planet is to give people an entirely subjective experience. We will have this type of experience until we have had enough of it and can rise to a less dense planet to continue our individual evolution. At the same time, due to the density of matter, most inhabitants of dense-matter planets do not understand why they are on such a planet. We are here because we have not yet overcome the desire for wanting to make our subjective experience universal.
Look at planet earth. You see innumerable conflicts and problems. On a superficial level, they may seem to have many different causes. When you look behind surface appearances, you see that the struggle between individuals and groups of people has only one cause. Most people have some need to make their subjective experience universal. We can’t just experience and let experience. We have to try to get other people to accept our subjective experience and validate it as being universal and superior to their own subjective experience.
For a relatively small minority of people this need has reached epic proportions and become obsessive-compulsive. They are not having a need; the need is having them. These people have attempted to invent any number of explanations that give some kind of infallible and irrefutable authority to their subjective experience. They desperately want to provide a universal and authoritative explanation for why their subjective experience is not subjective but universal, why it is not relative but absolute, why it is not temporary but has some long-lasting, even eternal, significance.
As the primary tool for doing this, they invent various belief systems and claim that the ideas that make up the system have some unquestionable authority. Religions claim their ideas are given by some infallible god, a god who is always somewhere else so that you cannot verify their claims but must accept it because they say so. Political ideologies claim a political or historical necessity, meaning that one day society will conform to their claim although there is no proof. And the religious-political system called scientific materialism claims that science has validated its ideas or that they are based on laws of nature.
Whatever the system, the basic dynamic is the same. Some people are using the system in order to say to the rest of the population that they should be having a certain kind of life experience on this planet. There is only one struggle on earth, and it is caused by several minority groups wanting to control the life experience of the majority. Power struggles are never about physical resources, land or power. They are always about controlling what goes on inside people’s minds. The physical conditions are only a means to the end of controlling your life experience. This is done because those who control your life experience can control what you do with your life energy. And energy is far more important than money or power because energy is money, power—and everything else.
On a dense-matter planet there is absolutely no universal experience and there is not meant to be. You are meant to have a subjective experience until you realize that you are having a subjective experience and consciously decide that you want to step up to the next level of experiences possible in our very vast and complex world (I am not saying “universe” because our total world is far more than the material universe). It is precisely the density of matter that allows you to have a subjective experience because on a dense-matter planet, you cannot directly perceive that there is something beyond matter. You can believe that your subjective experience is universal because you cannot directly perceive how subjective is your sense of universality.
The essential problem on earth is that certain people have managed to export their subjective experiences to others by creating a system that – while still springing entirely from a subjective experience – has been given an appearance of universality by a large number of people accepting it and allowing it to shape their subjective experiences. The originators of such systems all believe that if only they can get all people on earth to accept their system, then it will indeed gain some universal validity and authority. They believe this will give them what they ultimately crave, namely total control over the universe—as they see it.
These people were not among the original inhabitants of this planet, but they have been here for a long time (a lot longer than I have). In every epoch they have formed various power elite groups, which is why I call them PCBs (Power and Control Brokers). By the way, I am not advancing a conspiracy theory because the PCBs are inherently divided and are often opposing each other in two or more groups seeking ultimate control. Thus, they cannot truly conspire. Most of the conflicts seen throughout history (which goes back far further than currently accepted) have their causes in this rivalry. One group of PCBs form an established elite and they are being fought by another group that forms an aspiring elite. Members of the established elite have turned the population into their slaves. Members of the aspiring elite claim they will free the population from this slavery, but their real aim is to make the population the slaves of themselves.
As I will describe, I have been around such people for a very long time, and by observing them create some of the most bizarre events of history, I have realized that their quest is futile from the outset. I have also seen that once you create or accept one of these universalist systems, you become the victim of the most common syndrome on this planet, namely CIA (Crippled Imaginary Ability).
This inevitably puts you into a constant struggle with a self-defined enemy, causing you to look at other human beings through a particular filter that gives you USA (Unsubstantiated Social Anxiety). You can no longer accept that you are on a planet where free will is the basic law. You cannot allow other people to express their free will, you simply have to try to force the free will of others. For some people this leads them into the next level of paranoia where they want to actively suppress the freedom of others, therefore suffering from USSR (Uncontrollable Social Suppression Response). This happens because all PCBs suffer from PRC (Pathologically Restricted Cognition) and therefore cannot see any connection between themselves and other people. They have fallen victim to one of the most common illusions on this planet, namely that you can harm other people without harming yourself.
The reason I am starting out by making such a big deal of these PCBs is twofold. First of all, my personal story (on earth) is very closely linked to these beings. It is not too much to say that they are a big part of why I am on this planet and why I am still on this planet, as is the case for most of us. Neither is it too much to say that it was only in figuring out how to personally deal with PCBs that I realized why I am here and what it will take for me to get out of here. So they are an inescapable part of my personal story.
Another reason for talking about PCBs from the outset is that they have severely limited my ability to tell my story. In order to tell the story of how I came to be on this planet, and how I eventually gained awareness of who I am and why I am here, I have to give you many concepts that will be completely alien to – and most likely in opposition to – your current view of life. This view is very heavily influenced by the PCBs and the WCs (Weapons of Control) they have created.
In telling my personal story, I will have to go very far beyond what you have been brought up to believe about life. I will have to violate your PIN (Programmed Illusion of Normality) so severely that most people are likely to reject what I am saying. The brutal fact is that 99 percent of human beings have been so brainwashed by the PCBs that they will reject the realizations that could set them free from the WCs. Your brainwashing may be so complete that you will protest and claim that you have not been brainwashed but that your system tells you the truth about life. You will resist having a VRA by attacking what could liberate you.
Again, because I have been on this planet for such a long time and seen the outplaying of the PCBs through several historical epochs, I have developed complete respect for free will. If you want to believe that you have not been brainwashed, I am happy to leave you in that state of mind (anyway, I can say nothing that you will accept). I know that you have not yet had enough of this experience and that the inescapable wheel of time will eventually bring you to a point where you will want something higher. This may happen long after I am gone from this planet, and thus it is not my responsibility. In fact, I now know that I will not get off this planet until I fully accept that other beings are not my responsibility. I am not here to change others (especially not the PCBs) but only and exclusively to change myself. Nor am I here to change anything on this planet.
I know some will refer to a common definition of brainwashing and say that according to current psychological doctrine, brainwashing is only possible when people are kept in an isolated location and have no contact with anyone outside their prison. Therefore, they have no objective frame of reference to evaluate what they are being told by their programmers. A common example is American soldiers brainwashed during the Korean war. So my questions are: “When was the last time you took a trip away from this planet? When was the last time you left your physical body? Have you had much contact with supra-terrestrial beings lately?”
Yes, you are indeed confined to a very limited environment, and you have no frame of reference from outside this planetary unit. So how can you avoid accepting some of the heavy programming from a small elite of PCBs who are desperate to make you accept that instead of having your subjective experience, you should be having the subjective experience they have designed for you and worship them as the universal and unquestionable authorities of earth?
I know Abraham Lincoln is famous for saying that while you can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. In a way he was right, but I think he had little conception of the real time scale. I can personally witness that it is indeed possible to fool all of the people for at least a couple of million years, and I doubt that is what good old Abe had in mind.
So let me just end what turned out to be a strange introductory chapter by saying that I am quite aware what the PCBs will say to my writing. First of all, they will try to ignore it and hope that most people will do the same. Here, they will be helped by the PIN they have created because what I will say will go far beyond the doctrines of their WCs.
If enough people refuse to be limited by the PIN and begin to pay attention to what I am writing, the PCBs will say: “By what authority do you speak?” They will want me to prove my authority and prove the validity of the ideas I am presenting. Do you see the irony here?
I am going to tell you a story that goes very far beyond the PIN created by the PCBs through their WCs. Yet they will be saying that unless I can prove my authority and my ideas according to the standard defined by their PIN, I have no authority and validity. This is the very central dynamic that prevents people on dense-matter planets from waking up and freeing themselves from the PCBs. It is what often creates a self-reinforcing downward spiral on such planets that leads to very destructive physical conditions. This has happened several times in now forgotten epochs of this planet. It has erased several civilizations that had achieved a far higher state of technological sophistication than ours (without the raised consciousness that allows people to use technology in a way that does not destroy themselves—in which they are much like our civilization).
My answer is that I claim no authority and I will present no proof or even argument for my ideas. I have come to know the ideas I am going to tell you through a very long process of seeking answers from a higher source than the PCBs. For those who have not gone through their own personal process of discovery, my ideas will seem like fantasy, heresy or nonsense (or all of the above) and that is exactly how it should be. People will not free themselves from the PCBs until they are ready to question the PIN, and for those who haven’t started this process, my ideas will seem too far-fetched. I have learned through hard lessons that there is nothing I can do about it—and I have accepted that I don’t have to. For those who have gone through the same process I have gone through, my ideas will be validated because they resonate with what they already know from within. Nothing, of course, scares the PCBs more than people who realize they can know from within and do not need an external authority. The other thing the PCBs will say is that I am doing exactly what I accuse them of doing, namely taking my subjective experience and seeking to make it universal by getting you to accept it. This is precisely the kind of “sophisticated” counterargument they use to neutralize those who have begun to question their WCs. It springs from their DDT (Deliberately Deceptive Thinking), and they have a very long experience in using it against others and each other. It is true that on their fruits you can know them, but this includes more than actions and you can quickly learn to identify them by their thinking.
In reality, I am not writing this because I want you to accept it. I am writing it because doing so is part of my own personal process of qualifying for my final exit from this planet. I need to write this in order to clarify things in my own mind and in order to see if I’m still attached to changing anybody or anything on this planetary unit. (I was tempted to say “screwed-up planet,” but that would have been a value judgment, which is one of the tell-tale signs of an attachment.)
Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn how you or the PCBs react to this book. I realize that writing it is an entirely subjective process. You reading it will also be an entirely subjective process. However, here is the reality of the situation.
The PCBs believe that if they can make their subjective experience universal (by making all people on this planet accept it), then the authorities in the realm above earth must accept the PCBs and let them in. In reality, the only way to get out of this planet is to raise your subjective experience to the point where you are no longer identified with it. You see that it is subjective and instead of trying to make it universal, you accept that it will always be and can only be subjective. You then realize that you are more than the subjective experience.
It took me almost two million (I said 2,000,000) years on this planet to come to this realization. You have to follow your own process of reaching this realization. However, I had teachers along the way who helped me. We do need to have a certain amount of experiences on this planet before we are ready to see the dynamic I have described. But we do not need to have every possible experience because we can indeed learn from the experiences of others. As I have been helped by others, perhaps my story can help you; not by you blindly believing it but by it triggering an inner experience in you.
In its essence, life on this planet is a progressive process where we start at a lower level of self-awareness and gradually (sometimes agonizingly gradually) rise to a higher level of self-awareness. Each step on this journey is triggered by an experience of awakening from a lower sense of identity. We realize: “Oh, I am not this limited self; I am more than this self.” This is a VHA (Very Happy Awakening).
This experience can be triggered in two ways. One is that we have an actual physical experience that then triggers the shift in the mind. However, the only way any of us can make it within a reasonable time-frame (and two million years is actually quite reasonable, given the complexity of the task) is that we also have shifting experiences that are triggered without the physical experience (which always takes time, sometimes an incredible amount of time and repetition). In other words, we have an experience that is produced in the mind itself (without the need for a physical experience) because of inspiration from outside the mind. (This is what really scares the PCBs.)
One way to have this inner shifting experience (an experience vehemently denied by the PCBs and all of their WCs) is to be inspired by the experiences and insights of others. So perhaps my writing this story can trigger a shift in others. And perhaps me saying this demonstrates that I have not yet fully overcome my desire to change something on this planet, the very desire that brought me here in the first place.
So I am not (consciously) writing this in the hope of convincing anyone of anything. I am writing because I have realized and accepted that I have a right to be in embodiment on earth. I have a right to be who I am, meaning I have a right to go beyond the standard for what it means to be a human being according to the PCBs and their PIN. I have a right to express myself. I have a right to tell my story.
I know well that some people will interpret the ideas in this book to have some universal validity, perhaps even authority. I am not saying they do and I am not saying they don’t. I am only saying that any validity or authority you give to this book is entirely a product of your personal experience. I refuse to try to export my personal experience to you.
That being said, a personal experience can be subjective or it can be individual. We all have an outer mind or personality and when we look at the world through it, our experience is entirely subjective. Yet we also have the ability to go beyond the outer personality and have an experience that is not subjective but still individual. This requires you to accept only what is validated from deep within yourself, by making contact with the part of you that came from beyond the level of subjective experience and can return there when you resolve the enigma that brought you here. We might compare this to you standing in a certain location and looking out over the landscape. When you are wearing colored glasses and don’t know it, your experience is subjective. When you take off the glasses, your experience is no longer subjective but still individual because you are looking at the landscape from a localized vantage point. It can be no other way as long as you are in a physical body on a dense-matter planet.
Now, you see, in the preceding paragraph I have already hit against and violated the “thought ceilings” defined by several of the popular WCs on this planet. What do the most popular WCs say about you? They say you are an inherently limited being, that you are a product of factors entirely beyond your control, either a remote god in heaven, random changes or invariable laws of nature. The fact is that none of us are inherently limited beings. We do start out with a very localized sense of self, but we have the potential to expand our sense of self and there is no inherent limitation to how far we can take this process. No force outside ourselves can actually limit the expansion of self-awareness.
On planet earth, the PCBs have managed to make most people believe that there are such limits. They have used either a religion, a political ideology or materialism to define you as a limited being. They do this, as I said, because of their obsessive-compulsive need to control us, which is a product of their USA, including the completely flawed belief that they can make their subjective experience have universal validity and authority.
So we have a peculiar situation on earth. In reality, no force outside yourself can limit the expansion of your self-awareness. Yet most people believe their self-expansion is limited, and this actually has some temporary “reality.” The PCBs are an external force and they have managed to make most of us believe that our self-expression is limited. And as long as you believe you are limited, you are indeed limited. Or rather, you will behave as if you are limited, and this means you can be controlled.
Do you see the central irony of earth and other dense-matter planets? Because matter is so dense, it seems that we have a very limited ability to change matter. This reinforces the illusion that we are powerless beings. As long as we believe we are limited, we will more readily submit to the control of the PCBs. Meaning, that as long as we believe we should allow them to control us, they are indeed controlling us. Yet their control is based on upholding the illusion from which it springs. And that is why they will take all possible measures to silence those who challenge the central illusion that allows them to continue to believe they are in control. As I will explain later, I have seen how far they will go. The PCBs do indeed have an obsessive-compulsive need to feel they are in control, and this need is completely controlling them. You cannot seek to control others without being controlled yourself.
Anyway, I am digressing. What I really wanted to do was to start this chapter with the words: “A long, long time ago in a realm far beyond the material universe.”
Again, we hit the thought ceiling defined by the WCs. Some of them say there is nothing beyond the material universe. Others say there is some remote heaven world, but it is inhabited only by perfect beings and since you are inherently flawed, you did not come from there.
These are all lies aimed at controlling you. The PCBs believe that if you awaken to who you really are, this is the ultimate threat to their reign on earth (and for once, they are right). So they have done everything they can think of with their CIA to make you believe some fiction about who you are, where you came from and what you can do on this planet. Now, let me tell you what I have discovered about who we really are.
You are not a product of the material universe. You did not originate in this universe. You came from a different realm and you originally entered this universe in a state of self-awareness that was very different from what you have now. Over a very long period of time, which includes taking on many different physical bodies on this and other planets, you have built your current sense of identity, your current sense of self. You have built this self in reaction to the, most likely very violent and hurtful, experiences you have had in this universe and specifically on this planet. You will get out of this limited realm only by allowing this reactionary self to die gradually while returning to your original sense of identity, your original innocence. Here, of course, is another problem because what I have just said goes against all of the WCs on earth.
The earth is a dense-matter planet. Out of the literally billions of planets in the material universe with self-aware life-forms, there is only a very small fraction that have matter as dense as earth. Most of the self-aware beings who are part of our universe have now evolved to such a level of self-awareness that they live on planets where matter is far less dense and therefore more pliable, more responsive to the mind.
The function of a dense-matter planet is to serve as a sort of last-ditch attempt to help the beings who have not yet been willing to accept the fundamental realization of the material universe, namely that matter is subservient to mind. Yes, contrary to what all WCs on earth tell you, matter takes on form because it is acted upon by self-aware minds (included, but not limited to, ours). When you accept this, you can begin taking embodiment on planets with a lower density, and this makes it easier for you to develop your ability to consciously shape matter by using all four levels of your mind. Of course, most of us started our journey on planets with a lower density of matter.
Over the cause of the incredibly long time span that our material universe has existed and has been the home of self-aware beings, the vast majority of its inhabitants have accepted this fact. A very small percentage have not been willing to do this, and there can be only one reason. These beings are not willing to accept that they themselves have created the physical circumstances they encounter in the material universe. They have not been willing to take responsibility for themselves and their situation. In order to give them another opportunity, they have then been moved to dense-matter planets.
I know this can seem contradictory. I mean, on a planet with the matter density of earth it is easy to believe that our minds do not have power to shape matter and that our circumstances are created by forces entirely beyond our control, be it some god in the sky, some other group of people or some laws of nature. So it would seem that the density of matter only serves to reinforce the illusion that we have not created our circumstances.
I understand this can seem like a paradox. Why place beings who suffer from an illusion in an environment that reinforces the illusion? The reason is simple. The beings who have come to earth have not been willing to respond to the inspiration from others. They need to have a physical experience before their minds can shift, and it needs to be an extreme experience. This is what they get on earth. Because matter is so dense, it is possible to create some very severe physical circumstances that create incredible amounts of suffering. You just need to cast a quick glance at the history books to see what I mean. Or perhaps you have actually experienced what I mean. The rather disturbing fact is that the vast majority of the people currently embodying on earth are not open to learning the easy way, so they have (unconsciously, of course) enrolled themselves in the SHK (School of Hard Knocks).
Now, I know this sounds paradoxical, but when it comes to the mindset that dominates earth, paradox is built into its very foundation (as I will explain later). So the reality is that when beings will not listen to others, they can change only by seeing the outpicturing of their mindset to such an extreme degree that they finally have a VRA and begin to question the basic mindset of their planetary unit. In past ages, the willingness to question the PIN was limited, but in this age, millions and millions of people have reached the level of their personal development where they are ready to question what kind of planet they are on and why there is so much suffering. They are ready to have a series of VHAs.
Okay, I got lost in giving you some basic explanation so let me get back to what I was trying to say. Earth has a certain number of beings who were created to start their evolution from this planet when it was in a purer state. However, it also has a very large number of beings (now the majority) who came from other planets. Some are here because they failed the initiation of accepting responsibility for the creative abilities of their minds. Others came here on various types of self-defined rescue missions to try to affect a positive change on this dense-matter and low-consciousness planet (they failed another initiation, which I will describe later). The PCBs are here for another reason that I will also explain later.
My point was that because we have come from so many different backgrounds, it is very difficult to say anything general about what brought us here and what previous experiences we have had. This is one reason it is so difficult for people to communicate and feel basic kinship. Another is the engineered conflicts created by the PCBs. So again, I can only tell the story of my personal background, and it will say something but probably not everything about yours.
Okay, so you have probably noticed I have a tendency to digress, but that’s partly because there is such a huge gap between the PIN on this planet and the basic ingredients of the story I will tell you. I am constantly finding that in trying to explain what I consider self-evident, I have to give more information for those who have not walked the same path I have walked. I started to say that I had my origin: “A long, long time ago in a realm far beyond the material universe.” Even this, of course, goes beyond the PIN, so let me give you a bit more background.
Science on this planet has finally reached a level that most other planets reached at least a half billion years ago (and which, in fairness, was reached on earth in several past epochs that are now largely forgotten and denied by all WCs). That level is where science has conclusively proven that we live in a universe where everything is made from energy. This is significant because matter, as people on earth conceive of it, does not respond to mind, as people conceive of mind. Once people realize that matter is made from energy, they see that thoughts are also a form of energy. Because all energy is made up of waves and because waves can interact, thought energy can indeed influence other forms of energy. Once you realize that what your senses tell you is solid matter is truly made from vibrating energy, you can fairly quickly make a shift and accept that mind can influence matter—or at least the basic energy out of which matter is made.
I say you can “fairly quickly” make this shift because Einstein proved that matter is energy in 1905 and the vast majority of people, including scientists and philosophers, have not even begun to accept what this truly means. This is partly because the PCBs have used their WCs to deny the philosophical implications, but also because so many people still don’t want to take responsibility for the creative powers of their minds. This is now changing rapidly with more and more people opening their minds to a new way of looking at reality.
The PCBs deny the power of our minds today because it is by getting us to deny the power of our minds that they managed to get control over us in the first place. Only by keeping us in this state of denial, can they maintain their control over us. Only by maintaining control over us, can they continue to exist, as I will explain later.
Because everything is energy and because energy is vibration, the material universe is not a closed, isolated unit. We know there are sounds our ears cannot hear and forms of light our eyes cannot see. The reason is that our total world is made of vibrations. Earth is made of energy that vibrates at some of the slowest frequencies in our world. That is why it is so hard (but by no means impossible) for us to have a direct experience of a realm beyond what our senses can detect. It is also why it is so easy to deny that such realms exist, and the PCBs have taken full advantage of this. Basically all WCs on the planet are aimed at preventing you from having a direct experience of a realm beyond the material universe (this includes most religions).
The material universe at large vibrates at higher frequencies than earth, and many inhabited planets are at much higher frequencies. Beyond the material realm are other levels of vibration. We can roughly compare this to the tonal scale where sounds can be divided into octaves. At the lowest frequencies we find the lowest sounds and in higher octaves we find higher sounds.
As we go beyond the material octave, we enter a level of vibration I will call the emotional octave. It is here our emotions are shaped. Beyond this is the mental octave where our thoughts originate. At the highest level of our world is the identity realm, which is where our deepest sense of identity is defined. Beyond the identity realm we find realms that are in a higher category because they have achieved permanence. The four octaves of our world are still temporary, meaning they have not (by the inhabitants, meaning us) been raised to a high enough level to attain permanence. When a world is created, it is given a certain base level of vibration, and it is up to the self-aware beings who inhabit the world to raise that vibration to the point where their world attains permanence. There are several levels of the higher realm that have achieved permanence, but I will not go into that for now.
I personally had my origin in the lowest level of the higher realm, the level or sphere that became permanent just before our world was created as the next link in the creative chain. I had two “parents” who created the core of my being, namely what we can call my higher self, spiritual self or (as a more technical term) I AM Presence. It is difficult to describe this with the limited words currently used on this planet (due to the manipulation of the word by the PCBs), but as a crude explanation, we can say that my I AM Presence is a unique, individual being that contains the original blueprint for my individuality. You, of course, have your own I AM Presence.
My I AM Presence can be described as a self-aware being, but it is created with a localized sense of self-awareness. It is, as everything in the created world, created in order to grow. How does my I AM Presence expand its self-awareness? By sending me into the non-permanent world. I am an extension of my I AM Presence and I am, so to speak, its ticket to immortality. It is through my experiences and exploits in the non-permanent world that my I AM Presence expands its self-awareness. As I pass the final exam of the non-permanent schoolroom, my I AM Presence attains immortality, as do I by reuniting with my Presence.
You might ask why the I AM Presence doesn’t descend by itself. One reason is that the Presence stays in the higher realm where it cannot be damaged or destroyed by anything that happens in the non-permanent world. Another reason is that the I AM Presence is so complex that it could not fit into the bodies possible in a non-permanent world. A third reason is that in order for my Presence and I to have a complete experience of my sojourn in the non-permanent world, the Presence needs to stay in the higher realm in order to experience my experiences from that viewpoint. My Presence experiences everything I experience, but it does so from the outside, without being directly affected by it. This allows the Presence to use any experience, regardless of how I experience it, to form a positive life lesson. The astonishing importance of this will become clear later.
The inhabitants of a non-permanent world have not yet reached a level of consciousness where they have completely transcended subjectivity. By this I mean that most of them still see themselves as separate beings and therefore do not experience that all life is one. On a dense-matter planet like earth, this means people do not see that what they do to others, they are also doing to themselves. They think they can get away with doing things to others without affecting themselves. You can clearly see that this illusion is still very persuasive on earth (and only partly due to the density of matter, more due to the density of consciousness).
The short way to characterize a dense-matter planet is to refer to the old bumpersticker: “Shit happens.” Which could be rewritten as: “The PCBs make shit happen.” If the I AM Presence descended into a non-permanent world, it might be damaged or even destroyed. Given the effort required to create an I AM Presence, with an individuality that is different from the trillions and trillions of other individual beings in our total world, no sane being would risk this. So my I AM Presence sent me into the non-permanent world.
So who am I, then? I am nothing—I am no thing. You cannot define me with the limited words currently in use on earth. We can approach an explanation by saying that I am pure awareness. My I AM Presence has individuality, I do not. I have no personality, no individuality. I have self-awareness but not self-awareness as being a specific self. I know this sounds paradoxical, and it has taken me several millions years of earth time to resolve this enigma. I know it also sounds very disturbing because we are so desperate to retain our individuality. The brutal fact is that in order to discover our immortal identity, we have to be willing to let our mortal individuality die daily.
But what individuality is that? I just said that the individuality of the I AM Presence cannot die. Well, the self that I am can descend into the non-permanent world, but it too cannot die. I am no thing because I am not defined by anything in this world, which means I cannot be changed or destroyed by anything in this world. It also means that I cannot do anything in this world. I can witness what is happening in this world, but I cannot experience it from the inside and I cannot act.
In order to be able to experience this world from the inside and in order to be able to do anything here, I had to create a vehicle. This vehicle had to be made up of the four levels of energy frequencies that make up this world. Before I descended into this world (a very long time ago with earth time), I had to create a vehicle consisting of an identity “body” (defining how I saw myself in relation to this world), a mental body (defining my thoughts in relation to how this world works and what I can do here), an emotional body (defining my emotions relating to this world) and a physical body that allows me to do something in the physical octave on an inhabited planet. It was in this soul vehicle that my worldly individuality was defined. The original identity has, naturally, been changed and shaped by everything I have experienced in the non-permanent world and especially by the incredibly violent and destructive experiences I have had on earth.
I created these four lower bodies in a protected level of the identity octave under the supervision of experienced guides. When my guides and I decided my vehicle was ready, I descended for the first time into physical embodiment on a planet. This planet was not earth, but another planet with a much higher level of collective consciousness and much lower density of matter than what we currently see on earth. The significance of this was that my first planet had none of the violent and destructive manifestations so common on earth. This may require some explanation.
Our total world forms a kind of chain in which each link is created by the link that came before it. One link in the chain, one sphere, starts out as a non-permanent world and then, through the conscious co-creation of the beings inhabiting it, attains permanence. Our non-permanent world was created by self-aware beings in the realm that had attained permanence right before ours. Our world is actually the seventh link or sphere in our total world. This means there have been six worlds that attained permanence before ours.
The self-aware beings who created our world had started in the sixth sphere and had developed their creative abilities to the point where they could raise their world to attain permanence. Some of them then chose to create the next sphere, namely the one in which we live. After having created the four levels of the material world (out of their own substance), they then created (out of their own beings) beings with self-awareness and sent them (us) into the four levels of the new world. We are meant to develop our creative abilities (as our spiritual parents did) until we can collectively raise our world to permanence.
You might ask why a world is not simply created in a state of permanence? The reason is that the purpose of creating worlds is to give self-aware beings an opportunity to start with a very localized sense of self and gradually expand it to the ultimate level of self-awareness (which is so far beyond ours that I am not even able to describe it). In order for us to go through this process, we must have completely free will. This means we must have complete freedom to create any condition we like and then experience our own creation.
Given that we start out with a very localized sense of self, it should be easy to see the potential danger. A world is an interconnected whole. Contrary to what the PCBs want us to believe, earth is not a separate unit floating around in space. We are connected at a deeper level than matter to the entire material universe with all of its four levels (science has actually proven non-locality, but the PCBs have not allowed it to affect the PIN). All life is one, and thus what one individual, self-aware being does affects the whole. The purpose of the process of growth is that you gradually expand your awareness until you also realize that you are not a separate being but part of a totality.
You start out with such a localized sense of self that it is almost inevitable that you will use your creative abilities in ways that do not consider the whole. You will not start out by deliberately hurting others, but you can very easily do so without knowing it. If you were created in a permanent world, everything you did would become permanent. Thus, you are created in a non-permanent world where you can easily uncreate what you have created. The idea is that it is inevitable that you start out with such a localized state of awareness that you will create things you later want to change.
We might say that in order to freely and voluntarily join the permanent world, we have to have used our free will in all ways possible, including by acting as separate beings who can do whatever we want regardless of the consequences for the whole. Only when we have had enough of this experience, can we join the permanent world in which we would never choose to damage the whole or other beings. There simply is no other way for free will to work itself out.
When you first come into embodiment in a non-permanent world, you start by creating something based on your current awareness. As you experience the results in all four levels, you expand your awareness. This allows you to create something more advanced, something that is more, meaning that it comes from a higher level of awareness. In this way, you gradually expand your awareness through direct experience. As you complete this process and reach the ultimate level of self-awareness, you have had a direct experience of all levels of the creative process, meaning you have a deep appreciation for the complexity of creating a sustainable world. Why this is important I will leave for later, as it is too far beyond the PIN.
Even though we all start out with a localized sense of self, we do not start our creative process in a vacuum. The beings who created us have created a world for us that is sustainable. They first created the galaxies, solar systems and inhabitable planets you see at the physical level (which naturally required them to first create the corresponding structures in the three higher octaves). Then, they created our I AM Presences and gave them the choice of whether they would send extensions of themselves into the new world. Our Presences could also choose which of the four levels and to which specific planet they would send an extension.
The original planets to which we descended had a vague resemblance to the idea of a lost paradise that you find in so many cultures and religions on earth. They were created with a lower density of matter than what you find on earth. The significance of this is that while we did have physical bodies, we did not have to perform physical work in order to sustain them. On a planet with a lower density of matter, even a newly created being can bring forth what is needed for the sustenance of its physical body by using the powers of its mind. We do not have to work at the sweat of our brow in order to sustain our bodies. Our bodies are vehicles for exploring the planet; they are not tyrants that eat up all of our energy and attention for their sustenance. All planets started out this way, including earth. I will later tell the story of how earth came to have a higher density of matter and the incredibly self-centered manifestations we see today.
These original planets were by no means finished creations. The beings who create a planet do so specifically in order to give those of us who will later embody on this planet the opportunity to exercise our creative powers. Because matter is not so dense, we can easily mold the original conditions, and we have two options. One is that we build upon the foundation set by the creators of a planet. We, so to speak, multiply the talents we have been given and create an upward spiral. The other option is that we tear down this foundation, as we have collectively done on earth.
The inhabitants of a growing planet will collectively create an even more beautiful planet than what they were given. They can do this according to their individual creativity as it is combined. This happens when beings have no intent to control each other. This does not mean they are perfect because they are still relatively inexperienced. Yet if most beings on a planet are willing to learn, they can create an upward spiral that raises the basic vibration of the matter out of which the planet is made. The inhabitants can create incredible beauty that is impossible to imagine for people who have inhabited on earth over many lifetimes.
The planet upon which I first descended was a newly created planet. I was in the first wave of beings taking embodiment on it. Compared to earth, it had incredible natural beauty. The crude language used today on earth simply cannot be used to describe the beauty of my first planet. If you have seen the movie Avatar, you may have some idea of how a more beautiful planet can be, but my first planet was way beyond what the creators of Avatar could imagine with their CIA.
I first took embodiment in a valley nested between high mountains. They were not like earth mountains because they were not created through a physical, geological process. They were creations of the minds of the beings who created the planet. These beings formed a blueprint in their minds and used the creative powers of their minds to lower it through the identity, mental and emotional realms until the planet appeared in the physical spectrum of vibrations (vibrations that were much higher than those of earth today).
The mountains around my first living place were exquisitely beautiful, with gently rounded forms, yet taller than any mountains on earth. The matter out of which they were made was partly transparent, and from a distance the mountains would seem ethereal rather than solid. In the early morning and right before sunset, you could see the rays of my planet’s sun shining through the upper edges of the mountains. Even at night, they gave off a gentle glow from within the rock so my planet was never entirely dark. Even in the middle of the night, you could always move around without artificial light.
I would like to call this type of planet for a “natural” planet because what you see on earth is not natural at all. So on a natural planet, matter is not completely solid. It is always a bit translucent and emits a glow of light. This reminds you that you do not live in a separate world; you live in a world that is part of a larger continuum of energy vibrations. You can directly perceive that even the densest form of matter is made from vibrating energy.
Once you gain your bearings on a natural planet, you know that matter does not exist on its own. Matter is created by a stream of energy that comes through the emotional, mental and identity octaves, but beyond that comes from the permanent realm. You know that this stream of energy is real because you can directly observe it in your own mind, being consciously aware of all four levels and how energy flows through them.
Likewise, the living creatures on my first planet were of indescribable beauty. On a newly created planet, there are no animal life forms, but there are usually some forms of plant life. The inhabitants can create animal life forms and they can create new plant species. On my first planet, the plants had amazing shapes because they were not limited by the very restrictive (so-called) laws of nature you find on earth. With a lower gravity, plants could grow larger and especially the flowers were incredibly large with translucent petals that created indescribable patterns when the sunlight would shine through them.
The body I had on this planet had a vague resemblance to human bodies, but it was larger and far more beautiful. I could physically observe that my body did not live by its own power or the power of the physical octave. Many people on earth are aware that our physical bodies have an aura or energy field around them, which is actually the three higher bodies (identity, mental, emotional). Some people have the ability to see these auras, including myself, and science will soon validate this through the use of special digital cameras. On my first planet, I could not only see my aura around my physical body, I could also see the energy centers in my aura, called chakras on earth.
In the center of my chest, in the heart chakra, I could see a non-physical “flame” with three plumes, one corresponding to each of the higher bodies, blue to the identity body, yellow to the mental body and pink to the emotional body. I could feel the stream of energy flowing through my four lower bodies and I was therefore consciously aware that everything I created was created by using the energies that came from a higher realm and were then lowered in vibration through my four lower bodies until they took on a physical manifestation. I also knew that this stream of energy sustained the life of my physical body (as is even the case on earth).
On earth we are so used to having to do everything with the limited powers of the physical body or with the still very limited powers of technology. The only parallel we have on earth is that you are using a computer program to create a form that can be almost anything you can imagine. Thus, your imagination is the only limitation. On my first planet, I could create anything I could imagine, but not as an image on a computer. I created it as an image in my identity body, made it more concrete in my mental body, gave it momentum in my emotional body and then lowered it into the physical spectrum as a complete form.
Of course, this is still the way we all create on earth. It is just that because most people are not aware of their three higher bodies, they have no conscious awareness of or mastery over what and how they create. Another factor is that due to the density of matter, it takes longer to bring a form into physical manifestation, meaning we are not aware that we have (collectively) created current physical conditions on earth. What we are reaping today, was something we sowed a long time ago.
In the beginning I was, of course, not very good at creating, but I received plenty of help. I lived in a small community with many other new beings, and we had the constant guidance of some of the beings from the higher realm. These beings had not taken on bodies that were quite as dense as ours. But they had taken on bodies that we could perceive with the senses of the physical body.
We had the kind of community that many people dream of having on earth but that is so rarely achieved. We never had an argument and you truly never heard a discouraging word, as the old song goes. We started by engaging in various building projects under the supervision of our guides. We created structures for ourselves to live in and then we created structures for communal activities.
It was an amazingly wonderful experience to be part of such a harmonious community and to see how we all grew in awareness and creative ability by creating these structures together. None of us had the creative power yet to create, for example, a house on our own. But by combining the power of our minds, we could indeed create such structures.
Our physical bodies did not age, partly due to the low density of matter on the planet, but mostly because our minds had no dualistic beliefs and thus did not qualify energy below a certain vibration. Each planet has a ground level of vibration. Any energy that vibrates above that level will not break down the structures on the planet. So if you do not use your mind to lower energy below the ground level, your body never ages. You can, of course, shape it over time and make it as you would like it, but you basically uphold the same physical body for as long as you desire to be on that planet. Thus, reincarnation was not necessary. It only becomes so when the majority of the inhabitants of a planet go into the dualistic mindset and densify matter by generating a lot of energy that is below the ground level of the planet.
As you continued life on my first planet, you would gradually grow in creative ability. This means primarily two things. One is that you expanded your ability to envision structures and forms. The other is that you expanded your power to bring structures into the physical octave. Even on a natural planet, the increasing density of the four levels of matter require a certain creative power or momentum in order to bring a form into the physical and lowest octave.
In the beginning, I was entirely focused on myself and expanding my creative abilities. From the start, I was working with others, and gradually I began to focus on expanding my ability to work with others in harmony. After a long time, I realized that working in harmony is one thing, but there is a higher level, namely oneness with another being. As part of this process, I found my first partner and we lived together in a greater union with each other than we did with the other beings in our community. However, this was very different from planet earth and the relationships you see here.
Although our bodies had what you could call a female and male polarity, we did not have physical sexual organs. The main reason being that there was no need for procreation in the physical octave. You might say this sounds boring because we could not have sex. And I understand that for many people sex gives them a brief moment of contact with a realm beyond their normal state of consciousness. However, on my first planet, we practiced a kind of non-sexual union with all four bodies that was infinitely more pleasurable and enjoyable than sex on earth. I am not trying to knock sex. Compared to many other earthly activities, it can be quite transcendental, but compared to the activities on my first planet, it pales completely. The difference is simply indescribable because this planet gives no frame of reference for locking in to what I have come to remember.
My first partner and I lived together for many years in complete harmony, supporting each others growth. We eventually came to the mutual consent that we were no longer experiencing maximum growth. We separated on positive terms. My partner went on to find another partner, but I decided to move to one of the cities that had now been developed on my first planet. I moved to the cultural capital of my planet, and here I engaged in communal activities, primarily with the theatre and performing arts.
The theatre performances we created had the purpose of helping people grow by becoming more aware of their three non-physical bodies and how to use their creative abilities. We were also seeking to help people avoid developing conflicts by learning how to deal with the emotions that came up because people lived together. There were no villains in our performances, as is so common on earth. The reason being that there were no villains on the planet. The collective consciousness stayed above the level where it was possible to deliberately harm others while thinking this would not harm yourself. We could say that no one was unaware enough to harm another and believe this would not affect themselves.
We had quite elaborate special effects, even more advanced than what you see in movies made with computer technology. Only, our special effects were not produced by technological devices but by the power of the combined minds of the performers and other personnel. It was an extremely fulfilling experience to be part of a team of people who dedicated their full attention to creating these incredible performances. It was a joy beyond anything this planet has to offer. I also found a new partner at this stage and we shared our journey for a very long time.
After working with the theatre and other forms of culture for a long time, I eventually moved into government. I started with a modest position in local government. Over a long time span I worked my way up to a position as member of the planetary council. When you consider how government, even in democratic countries, works on earth, you can hardly imagine what it was like to work in government on a planet that had no selfishness. It was a complete joy and we saw ourselves as mere facilitators, never thinking we had personal power to do anything or that we were more important than other people. We were always serving, and we facilitated the relationship between the broad population and the councillors of our planet, meaning those in the higher realm. This is the primary spiritual activity found on a natural planet, and one can go into it after serving for a time in government. I did this also and found it very fulfilling to interact with the spiritual beings guiding my first planet.
I lived on my first planet for a very long time, always maintaining my physical body in a completely healthy and youthful state. Disease or ageing were not concepts that we even had in our minds. It is difficult to say exactly how long I was on my first planet in earth years because time was so different. As you know, time is different on the moon, with a day lasting 14 earth days, so you know time depends on gravity. However, the strength of the force of gravity depends on the density of the matter of a planet, and that depends on the collective consciousness of the inhabitants. If I were to make some kind of comparison, I lived for about one million earth years in the same body on my first planet.
After that time span, I had raised my consciousness to such a level that I had little to learn on that planet. During this process, I had become more and more conscious of my counsellors from the higher realm (whom we called “ascended masters”), and I had developed a closer relationship with them. Through their help, I was allowed to investigate other planets that matched my level of development, and I eventually chose one that was quite different from my first planet.
I now went through the process of dissolving the four lower bodies that I had created in order to embody on my first planet. I then created four new bodies adapted to my second planet. This was an amazing process because I was now much more conscious than I had been the first time.
I lived on my second planet for even longer than my first. Again, this was a planet with no conflicts, violence or disharmony. I eventually moved on to my third and fourth planets, before I was ready to consider embodying on a planet like earth (in the beginning no such planet even existed). I will next talk about the process that led me to this stage.
When you are a new being, you go through a very long stage where you are focused on yourself and your own growth. However, this is nothing like the self-centeredness or narcissism you see on earth. On a natural planet, you know there is a realm beyond the material world and you know you are connected to it. Although you see yourself as an individual being, you can never believe you are a separate or isolated being. You always know you are part of something greater than yourself, including a realm beyond the material and the other beings in your local community. You are not trying to hold on to a particular sense of self; you are constantly seeking to expand your circle of awareness.
In the beginning, your sense of self, your self-awareness, is completely localized. As a crude illustration, we can say that your self-awareness is like a single point. It is as if you are standing in the darkness with a small light above you that is casting light on your body and the area immediately around it. You simply can’t see anything beyond that small circle. As you have experiences on your first planet, you gradually expand your circle of awareness and this means your self grows to encompass an awareness of more and more. This first involves your local community. It then will involve one or more partners. It eventually will involve taking on the role of some kind of leader in your local community, then a wider community and eventually maybe the planetary council found on all natural planets (on earth people are too divided to develop a true planetary council).
Yet even though you are clearly expanding your self-awareness, it is still normal that you do this for the purpose of developing yourself as an individual. You have a clear goal in the sense that you know that the goal of life is to expand your self-awareness to a higher level. As you become more aware, you realize that it is possible to expand your self-awareness to the point where you graduate from your first planet and can move on. This means you have now learned everything there is to learn and mastered the energies of the planet to a high degree. You can then move on to another planet in order to get a different experience and also expand your mastery there. This can go on for a long time before you become aware of the next level.
A new, non-permanent world has a very long time to grow and evolve and there are billions of planets in the material universe and many other places to grow in the three higher octaves. So you can literally continue this process of self-development for a very long time. This means you can achieve an amazing mastery in using the energies of this non-permanent sphere. You can become very powerful in formulating a vision and making it a physical manifestation.
In doing this, you develop the sophistication of all four of your bodies, but you especially develop the power to fashion energy into physical forms. You can therefore become very powerful in creating compared to others who are not as far along. This is not the same as what is currently seen as powerful people on earth where the PCBs have perverted the concept of power from being creative to being controlling.
Some beings will eventually grow to become far more powerful than others. This is, of course, ultimately a product of the fact that all beings have a will that is completely free. I have said that none of us are inherently limited and it is not so that the design of individual beings predisposes some to become more powerful. It is all a matter of what a being does with its free will and the energy it receives. It is truly a matter of where you choose to focus your attention.
The law is very simple. As you sow, so shall you reap. I know this saying has been made sort of ominous by the fear-based religions created on earth by the PCBs (and yes, all religions on earth are WCs). They want us to believe that this saying means that if you do something bad, you will be punished. In reality, it simply means that all of the energies you project out, will be returned to you multiplied. You can put one grain of wheat in the ground, and you receive 20 grains in return. As a new being, you receive a certain flow of creative energy from your I AM Presence. As you use this to expand your sense of self, as you multiply the talents given, the stream will be expanded. You will now have more creative energy and thus you have more power to create. This expansion can go on for a very long time, but there is a limit.
There are stages in the ideal growth of an individual. First, we have a stage where one is focused on developing all four lower bodies. Then one becomes focused on working with others in a local community. Then one may have one or several partners. Then one goes on to serve society in a wider capacity, for example through arts or through building, invention etcetera. Then one goes into some form of government and finally one can go into the spiritual activities found on a natural planet (which are very different from religions on earth).
The thread that runs through it all is that one develops the sense of self, expands the circle of awareness. Yet where is it all leading? Well, I have talked about six previous realms or spheres that all became permanent whereas our world is impermanent. How does a sphere become permanent? It does so when the vast majority of its inhabitants have grown beyond the level of being focused on themselves by resolving the enigma that we are individual beings but still part of one, interconnected whole. We have individual minds but are still part of one mind. If this sounds nonsensical to you, it is no surprise. You are (still) on earth because you have not yet resolved this enigma. This is not meant as a criticism, as the PCBs have made it extremely difficult to solve this enigma on earth.
My point is that it is quite possible to expand your self and increase the sophistication of your soul vehicle without truly understanding the purpose of it all. This will require a very subtle explanation because the PCBs have never even begun to understand this, and as a result all of the WCs they have created on earth will deny what I will explain next.
The basic illusion of all PCBs is that they can reach such a level of sophistication and perfection that their outer vehicles (their four bodies) can attain permanence. They also believe that this will eventually give them control over the entire universe, as they see it with their PRC.
The basic reality is that a self-aware being is meant to go through three phases. First, you have the phase where you are focused on building your self, the self you have created in this world. Then, you begin to realize that nothing in this world is permanent and therefore it really has no importance in itself. This world is only a vehicle for the development of the beings who live in it. This world can become permanent, but this does not mean that any of the structures created in it will attain permanence. The world attains permanence by being raised to a level of vibration that is so much higher that none of the structures in the world can be sustained. All will be made new. This includes the most elaborate cities created on the most developed planets, it includes the planets themselves and all solar systems and galaxies.
Most importantly, it includes the outer selves created by the self-aware beings in our world. Yes, first we labor for a very long time in order to create a sophisticated outer self, and then we – ideally – begin to understand that this self was just a temporary vehicle. It facilitated our growth in self-awareness, but it is not meant to or capable of ascending with us to the level of permanence. You can indeed attain immortality by ascending to the higher realm, but you cannot do so by taking your outer self with you. Only the being that descended from the higher realm, can ascend back to the higher realm. The real growth in self-awareness happens in your I AM Presence.
The crucial dividing line is whether a being gets this or not. If a being gets it, it will gradually begin to dismantle its outer self and raise its sense of self beyond it. It will also begin to focus on helping others raise their awareness instead of creating sustainable structures in this world. If a being does not get this, it will think it has to continue to expand its outer self until it achieves the ultimate state of perfection (according to its own perception, which it thinks is universal instead of subjective). It thinks this will give it entry into immortality. It may also think it can create structures in this world that are so sophisticated they can attain permanence.
As you, meaning the self that is pure awareness, experienced the non-permanent world through your four lower bodies, your I AM Presence had an entirely different experience. Your experience is colored by the contents of your four lower bodies, which may be heavily affected by your environment (that is why your experience can only be subjective, never universal). For example, on a dense-matter planet like earth many people have a soul vehicle that experiences a lot of suffering and a sense of being powerless. Yet while this is happening, their I AM Presences have an entirely constructive experience and learn timeless life lessons. It is these lessons that will form part of your immortal identity; not the experiences you have through the soul vehicle.
In order to permanently ascend and become an immortal being, you can take nothing with you from your experience in the non-permanent world. You have to systematically dismantle your soul vehicle. This includes looking at all of the choices you made while having a limited self-awareness and then replacing them with the self-awareness of a being who is one with the All. It also includes raising the vibration of all energies qualified with a lower vibration than the base energy on the planets on which you have lived. You have to raise all fear-based energies to the level of love. Once you have done this, the self that descended can ascend back and reunite with the I AM Presence out of which it came. You become one with your I AM Presence or you give up the illusion of being out of or away from the Presence. You become the Presence once again. I realize this is difficult to explain with earth words, but the experience is simple. You have to give up everything you thought you were in this world.
Our non-permanent world has existed for a very long time. In that time span the vast majority of beings have come to see what the process of growth is all about. There are billions of planets that are ascending in vibration because the inhabitants are on the path of dismantling their outer selves and qualifying for the process of ascending to immortality. Incidentally, on any of these planets, your current physical body simply could not exist. If your body was somehow transported there, its cells and molecules would be shaken apart by the higher vibrations in a split second.
There is no question that making the shift from being focused on raising the outer self and then beginning to dismantle that self is a very subtle challenge. Most beings go through an in-between state. They have gone into the phase of selflessly serving some greater cause or their community, but they have not fully grasped that the outer self through which they do this must die. That is why so many people on earth are open to a religion that promises a form of salvation without consciously dismantling the outer self. The PCBs create this illusion by promising that an external savior will take you to a higher realm, rather than you having to do it by fundamentally changing your sense of self. The PCBs don’t want to change their sense of self. They don’t want to give up the separate self they have crafted over a very long time. They want to think this self can one day enter a higher realm and become immortal.
Back to my own story. On my fourth planet, I did reach the point of beginning to selflessly serve something greater, but I had not even begun to understand the need to let the outer self die. I thought it was my role to make this outer self perfect, meaning it would become completely selfless. In reality, it is an illusion that the outer self can become selfless or objective, but I did not understand this. My councillors tried to explain this to me, but I could not grasp it and paid little attention to their advice.
This has something to do with the fact that I had been a very eager student and very willing to make an effort to develop my creative powers. I had attained a very big momentum on imagining forms and making them a physical reality. I had been in leading positions for a very long time, and I had come to believe that I really was a powerful creative being and that I had great wisdom and understanding of how the world works. And I was not wrong; I did have power and insight in how the material world works, but I did not grasp the non-material reality. My attention had been focused horizontally, not vertically.
The result was that I came to a point where I became less willing to listen to advice. In retrospect, I can see that my councillors knew exactly what was happening to me. They had seen it before, and some of them had even gone through the same phase. Yet they also knew that for any student, there is a limit to what that student can learn by being told. There can come a point where the student thinks it knows so much that it cannot learn from a teacher. It can learn only by pursuing a certain cause of action and then eventually realizing that it does not work because it is based on a flawed vision. Only then, will the student again have an open mind to the teacher.
During this phase, I began to consider one of the most difficult questions that beings have to deal with as they develop self-awareness to my level. On the planets upon which I had so far embodied, no being had ever misused its free will to deliberately harm others. All had, as did I, stayed in the level of innocence where you always qualify energies with love and never with fear.
Yet there comes a point where a being has to deal with the fact that free will is completely free. There is no higher authority that limits your free will. You can literally do anything you can imagine doing because you are allowed to have any experience you desire to have. Growth happens only when you imagine an experience, then make it a physical circumstance so you experience it through the physical body and the other bodies. After having experienced this for some time, perhaps a long time, you finally come to the point where you have had enough of that experience and want more, want a higher experience.
It is possible that instead of always seeking to expand your sense of self, you can decide that you want to maintain a certain sense of self over time. You can also decide that you want to maintain a certain physical circumstance over time. This means that instead of flowing with the upward movement of the entire sphere, you will have to deliberately go against the upward flow created by all of the other trillions and trillions of beings in our world.
Flowing with the current in a river is easy, swimming against the current requires a greater effort and it quickly becomes a struggle. You are indeed allowed to use your free will to go against the upward current created by all other beings with free will. Yet you cannot expect that they should all stop growing because you do so. This means that if you make the choice to go against the creative flow, your life will become a struggle. It is like you are still in the river, but you are trying to keep the same position instead of letting the current carry you along.
Because this requires a struggle, it is possible that you can come to a point where you are no longer content to try to maintain your own position. You also want to maintain a physical condition that involves other beings. You are not only trying to keep yourself in position by resisting the current, you are actually trying to stop the current.
Again, the Law of Free Will is the basic law in a non-permanent sphere so it allows you to have even this experience. Yet how can you have it? You obviously cannot stop the forward movement of an entire sphere, but you are allowed to have the experience of stopping the creative current in a local environment. If a majority of the people on a planet decide to stop the flow and maintain a certain experience, then that planet is allowed to lag behind the movement of the rest of the sphere.
Yet there is a twist. Scientists on earth have discovered what is called the second law of thermodynamics. It officially says that in a closed system, disorder (entropy) will increase until all structures are broken down and the system is at its lowest possible energy state. It’s a good discovery, but unfortunately materialistic science has made a mess of interpreting it, as they do with everything else. The real meaning is that any closed system will inevitably self-destruct because it will create a resistance that will increase until no power within the system can overcome the resistance and the system breaks down.
In reality, there are no closed systems. Everything in our total world was created from the same source, the same mind, and it is interconnected in consciousness. So everything affects everything else, everything pulls on everything else. Yet because of free will, it is allowed that a group of beings in an unascended sphere can temporarily set themselves outside the upward movement created by all of the other self-aware beings in our world. In order to do this, they have to take whatever creative momentum they have and use it to create a force that works against the current of life, the River of Life. This is no longer co-creation but de-creation.
Doing this will inevitably require a struggle. When you seek to maintain your self or a particular physical condition, you are effectively saying that you want to experience what it is like to struggle instead of co-creating. A struggle implies that you are a separate being and that something outside of you resists or opposes what you want to do. In order to experience a struggle, there must be something for you to struggle against. On a natural planet, there is nothing to oppose you and you cannot maintain the illusion that you are a separate being. Matter on a natural planet effortlessly takes on any form your mind projects upon it. Matter is not opposing your co-creative efforts but facilitating them.
This is actually explained in a veiled way by the story of the Garden of Eden. At first, Adam and Eve needed to exert no physical effort for their sustenance. When they left the garden, they had to work out a living at “the sweat of their brow.” As with the materialists, religious people have made a mess of interpreting this (as they do with everything), and they think it should be taken literally to talk about the first two people. In reality, it symbolizes the fall in consciousness, from love to fear, that all people on earth have gone through. Of course, the story does not make this clear, and it incorrectly portrays the god in the garden as some kind of tyrant. The reason being that Genesis was highly influenced by the PCBs from the beginning, as I will explain later. In reality, everything is a result of the free-will choices we make and no higher being ever forces us. There are fear-based non-material forces that seek to force us, but I will return to that later.
Only when a planet sinks below the level of love and becomes dominated by the vibrations of fear, can the sense of struggle be de-created. The law still works, meaning that whatever energies you project out, must be returned to you multiplied. So when the inhabitants of a planet begin to struggle, they will actually send out a certain amount of fear-based energy that will be returned to them multiplied. This return has the effect of densifying the matter on their planet. Denser matter gives more resistance to the creative efforts of the inhabitants of the planet, and this is exactly what they want to experience.
In the beginning phase, this can actually give the inhabitants on a planet a certain sense of having power over other people, over nature or even over the forces of the universe. This is because they still have the creative momentum they had garnered until they stepped into fear and separation. As long as this is not used up, they will have a sense of having power and control over their destiny. Yet there will inevitably come a point where all of their love-based momentum has now been converted into fear-based energy and used to resist the current of life.
At that moment, the inhabitants could potentially turn around and start climbing back towards their starting point. Yet in many cases they do not want to consider doing so because they have now become convinced that they are right in doing what they are doing. Or they have forgotten that it was their own choice that started the process. This is partly caused by the fact that when the matter on a planet densifies, the physical bodies can no longer be maintained indefinitely. The denser the matter, the shorter the lifespan of the body, which means that all such unnatural planets need to have reincarnation. Yet because of the density of matter, people tend to forget that they have incarnated before and they become convinced they were born into the dense and limiting circumstances that they themselves helped de-create in the past.
They now easily begin to believe that they did not create their limited situation out of their own choosing and by using their own creative momentum. Instead, they often believe they are victims of some force outside themselves. They feel this is unjust, and they often struggle against it with all the power they have left, making the situation even more intense. This can go on for a long time. It can lead to incredible amounts of suffering as the inhabitants always fracture into several groups that oppose each other. It has in some cases led to the inhabitants of a planet creating such resistance (so much fear-based energy) that the planet could no longer bear the strain. This has led to cataclysmic events, what people today mistakenly call natural disasters, that have erased entire civilizations. It has even happened that a planet has been blown apart by the energies created through the warring of its inhabitants.
When I began contemplating these ideas, there was a fairly large number of planets (a greater number than today) where this had happened. I had no awareness of this on my first four planets because they had been in the creative flow. Yet as I was coming to the point where I had little more to learn from being on my fourth planet, I became aware of the possibility that beings can use their free will to go against the creative current. I also became aware that this had been done on a number of planets, and I became aware that a lot of beings had become stuck on such planets. The mechanics of what it requires to go against the creative current makes it possible, even likely, that beings will become stuck in a lesser sense of self because they believe they cannot raise themselves above it. This realization had a life-changing impact on me and set me on a course that I have later regretted many times.
On a natural planet, you are also wearing a physical body, but because the vibrations of the planet are so much higher (matter is so much less dense) the body is not nearly as limited as earth bodies. The body on a natural planet does not age or get sick, but the most important consequence in this context is that its senses have a far greater range than the senses of earth bodies.
On my first four planets, I had bodies that could directly sense that the matter of my planets did not exist on its own but was created by energies that streamed from a higher realm. That is why it never occurred to me that I was a separate being, living in a separate world. You simply could not have made me believe in what is today the most common illusion on earth (upheld by every WC created by the PCBs).
For example, on earth there are people who have clairvoyant or extra-sensory perception and who can see auras around people’s bodies. Even science is beginning to realize that such energy fields exist. Yet many people still believe the aura is produced by the body whereas the reality is that the physical body is produced by the aura. The aura is simply the three higher bodies and the physical body is created and maintained by the energy streaming through these bodies.
When I first descended to earth, I had the ability to see auras. As I sank in consciousness, I lost it, but I have now regained it. One consequence of this is that no one can lie to me. I can see in their auras what their intentions are and I can see if they are lying. When you consider how the vast majority of people on earth are lying every day or want to hide their intentions, thoughts and feelings from others, you can see why they are not ready to take responsibility for themselves. You can hide what goes on in your mind only because matter on earth is so dense, but the price you pay is that denser matter makes life a struggle, ages your body and creates diseases. The privilege of lying leads to the consequence of death.
I am getting lost in details. What I wanted to explain here is that the denser matter on earth blocks your direct, sensory experience, telling you that there are energies beyond the material spectrum. This is what makes a dense-matter planet a kind of dead-end, a catch-22, from which it is very difficult to extricate yourself, once you have bought into the illusion that you are a separate being living in a separate world.
We are experience-based beings. As beings who have not yet attained immortality, our primary goal is to expand our sense of self. We do this by interacting with our environment, which gives us an experience that is based on the senses of our physical bodies but is truly processed by our three higher bodies. It is this total experience that can shift our sense of self, our sense of identity, upwards or downwards. On a natural planet, interacting with your environment leads you to shift your sense of self upwards. On an unnatural planet, this is very difficult to do. It is far more likely that people will have a total experience of their environment that causes them to shift their sense of self downwards. They gradually come to feel powerless and insignificant. It is exactly this trend that the PCBs use in order to control us. All of their WCs are designed to get you to feel more and more powerless and to prevent you from ever climbing out of the hole you have dug for yourself.
Just look at earth. Your physical senses cannot directly show you that there are energies beyond the material spectrum of frequencies. Therefore, you have no frame of reference from beyond the material (and this is why materialism has appeal to so many people). Sure, you may believe that there is a heaven world, as described by a religion. Or you may believe such a heaven world is pure superstition, as described by the religion of materialism. But this is mere belief and not a direct experience.
Because you have no direct experience, no frame of reference, you have come to believe one of the most subtle illusions spread by the PCBs, namely that your mind does not have the power to directly influence matter. You believe this because you experience that at your present level of awareness, you cannot change your life circumstances or even move a rock by the power of your mind.
In reality, this is a complete lie. Sure, you may say that you do not have the power to influence matter with your mind, and you are right. However, you are right only because you have become a self-fulfilling prophecy. It is true that your mind cannot change matter—at your present level of awareness. Yet the lie is that your present level of awareness is the only level of awareness available to you. It is a much lower level of awareness than what is possible. You have descended into this lower state through your own choices. You were manipulated and deceived by the PCBs, but you still made the choices. The magic of admitting this is that you can also undo the choices you have made. Any choice you have ever made can be undone by making a more aware choice. The PCBs cannot prevent you from doing this, and this is what they really do not want you to know and accept.
Here is the basic Law of Free Will. You can create any sense of self you want, but you can never create a sense of self that you cannot get out of. You can get yourself into a very deep hole by making choices, but you can never create a hole so deep that you cannot get out of it by making more aware choices. By the way, all PCBs and their WCs will vehemently deny what I just said. Their basic lie on earth is that you can indeed make certain choices that cannot be undone by making new choices. This is how you can expose any theory or thought system and know it is created by the PCBs with the deliberate intent of controlling you.
So back to my story. When I started studying planets that had fallen below the level of fear, I realized that once they cross that threshold, the people embodying on such planets have no direct experience that there is anything beyond matter. Therefore, it becomes virtually impossible for them to regain their awareness of themselves as coming from a higher realm. The planet becomes a closed system that will inevitably have such internal resistance that it might self-destruct.
I felt deep and honest compassion for the beings who had become stuck on such planets, and I developed a sincere desire to help them. Because I did not understand fully how free will works, I thought something had gone wrong and that someone (me) needed to correct this. I developed the sense that I should do something to save them, and I soon realized there was only one way to do so. I had to embody on such a planet and demonstrate to the inhabitants that there was a higher way, a higher sense of self. I realized that giving these people a theory, such as a religion, was not enough in itself. They needed to have a direct experience that a person in a body like themselves could raise his or her consciousness beyond their level. Only then, might they accept that this was possible for themselves also.
During this process, I did, of course, talk to my councillors. I can see now that they were trying to explain something to me that I was not capable of understanding and not truly willing to consider. I can see how they finally resigned themselves to the fact that I simply had to be allowed to have the experience of descending to an unnatural planet in order to act as a savior. Today, I clearly see that I had developed a savior complex, but back then you could not have explained it to me. And that only proves how we need direct experience in order to learn our lessons and shift our sense of self.
So I was allowed to take embodiment on an unnatural planet, and I chose earth. I will now describe my first pivotal embodiment on this planet.
Part 2:
My first
on earth
I have already mentioned that on a natural planet you create a physical body. You fashion a matrix at the identity level and push it into the mental where you make it more detailed. You push it into the emotional where it also becomes more concrete and gathers momentum. Then you push it into the physical as you are pushing yourself into it. On a dense-matter planet like earth this isn’t possible, due to, of course, the density of matter.
I have mentioned that earth was not created in its present state. In its original state, earth was not a dense-matter planet. For a very long time, earth served as a platform for the ascension of several waves of beings (three to be exact). Then a fourth wave descended, and they were the first to start lowering the vibration of the planet. Over a long time-span, this lowered the vibration of the planet until matter became so dense that physical bodies evolved that had sexual organs and were able to reproduce at the physical level. Manifesting a physical body had now become a mechanical, not a creative, process. From that point on, reincarnation became a necessity because it is the only way to give a being the opportunity to reclaim the energy it has misused on a dense-matter planet. As mentioned, once you lower energies below the level of the planet’s original vibration, you cannot leave that planet until you have raised them again. And it is very difficult to raise (or balance) energies when you are not in physical embodiment.
My first embodiment took place around two million years ago. I cannot give you an exact figure because time changes over time, or rather, it changes with gravity as Einstein discovered. And gravity changes with the collective consciousness. Because I had no prior history on this planet and had not qualified any energy below the level of love, there was nothing that mandated that I had to take embodiment at a certain time, in a certain place or with a certain group of people. I therefore had relative freedom to choose where and when I wanted to embody, the condition being that there had to be a woman who was pregnant so that there was a body for me to descend into. Because of my savior complex and my belief that I could come here and have a positive impact on the planet, I chose to be born as the son of the leader of the biggest and most powerful civilization that existed at the time. Needless to say, this civilization is no longer in existence and this flies in the face of the current WCs in (at least) two ways. They all say that there was no sophisticated civilization on earth two million years ago and some of them also say that life on this planet started at a very primitive level and evolved from there, meaning our civilization is the most sophisticated ever to exist.
What incredible hubris! Imagining that the current civilization deserves to be called sophisticated is just such utter ignorance and arrogance that anyone knowing reality can only laugh out loud. You may, of course, say that I am the one who is arrogant, but in order to prove my case that our current civilization is primitive, I only have to say one word: “War.”
The first three groups of beings that took embodiment on earth created civilizations that do deserve to be called sophisticated. Since the fourth wave of beings, several civilizations have reached a much higher level of technological development than the present civilization. Yet they have still been at a level that was so much lower than what you find on a natural planet that it is difficult to describe the difference.
The civilization I was born into was much more technologically advanced than the current one. It was, as the current one, also fear-based, which means that technology was based on force. Instead of developing love-based technology that works with nature, force-based technology is based on the illusion that humans are separated from nature and therefore need to force nature in order to get their way.
In many ways life in my first earthly civilization was much easier and more abundant than today. Yet because the civilization was fear-based, it also had weapons that were far more powerful than what is known today (at least by the public). My first civilization was the last in a long line of fear-based civilizations, which means weapons had gradually been developed to the level where they could have a cataclysmic impact on the planet. In other words, my civilization had the power to destroy itself.
You might say that so does the current one, but that is not necessarily the case yet. Even if all current weapons were used, it would take quite a bit of luck to wipe out all human beings on the planet. But certainly, it could have a major negative impact. What I’m trying to say was that my first civilization had even more powerful weapons than we do today. It was not even the first civilization to have developed such weapons. Three previous civilizations had literally destroyed themselves and in the process created such cataclysmic planetary effects that there are no traces left of them. Actually, there are traces, but because we do not have the same level of technology, we do not know how to read the geological records. We cannot see that what we call natural rock or mineral formations are the remnants of man-made materials. And because of the PIN, we will not admit that the glass found in various places (and that can only have been created by extremely high temperatures) were created by previous civilizations waging nuclear war.
For me, coming into embodiment was quite tricky. The leader of the civilization had several wives and many children. Yet because he had a history on this planet, there were many souls who were waiting for an opportunity to balance the misqualified energy (or karma, as it is often called today) they had with him. So I had to wait several years before one of his wives had a pregnancy that was not already determined to go to someone else. This was, of course, new to me, but I realized coming into embodiment on a dense-matter planet would be a different experience so I took it in stride. Had I known how different it is to embody on such a planet, I would have reconsidered.
When you have never been in embodiment on a dense-matter planet, you have no experience-based frame of reference for evaluating what it will be like. The difference between a natural planet and a dense-matter planet is simply so huge that no amount of theoretical knowledge can give you an impression of what it is like. So I understood that there comes a point where the only way forward is to get the direct experience and then go from there. I had no doubt that I would be able to handle myself well. How wrong I was, and this was truly hubris and arrogance on my part!
On a dense-matter planet, you have to wait for a physical body to be available, but you do have some influence on your three higher bodies (the first time, because after that, you carry them with you from previous lives). However, even here there are restrictions, as a given physical body will have three higher bodies that you also descend into. The first time you take embodiment, you can have some influence on these bodies, but only within the framework set by the previous history of the parents and the soul group from which the body springs.
How ignorant of current science to think that our heritage is only physical and determined by our DNA. Actually, science has already discovered that DNA cannot account for all of our inherited traits. Nor can it account for the complex machinery of our physical bodies, and even less so for our minds and psyches. The reason is, of course, that we have four bodies that are the result of the past history of ourselves, our parents, our family and our soul group (which is more than nationality, ethnicity or race) and even humanity as a whole. Why have these discoveries not been acknowledged? Simply because the PCBs who are using scientific materialism as their WC have managed to delay the broad acceptance that a new scientific paradigm is needed. They will not rock the boat and disturb the PIN they have so carefully crafted.
From the moment my first physical body was conceived, I started working on the three higher bodies. This doesn’t mean that I descended into the foetus on a permanent basis. Yet from the beginning, I had brief stints of going into the foetus and experiencing what it experienced from the womb. Again, science is wrong in assuming the foetus can experience only through its physical senses. Once you are in the physical body (even if it consists of only a few cells), your three higher bodies can perceive all of the energies around the foetus. You can, for example, perceive the energy field of your mother and your father (if he is around), your older siblings and family members. You can also perceive how your family members experience life in general, how they experience their specific situation and life in their society. You can process these experiences according to the level of awareness you carry with you.
Most people are not aware enough to make use of this, but in my first embodiment I had the awareness to take my impressions of the situation and prepare my emotional, mental and identity body to deal with it. I thought I had also prepared myself for what it meant to be stuck in the body and be born, but that was far from being the case.
After eight and a half months (the gestation period was slightly shorter back then), the moment of birth had arrived. I had spent more and more time in the foetus, but in the womb I didn’t experience any physical pain (because my mother was healthy). I had not really considered what it would mean to be born, instead focusing on what I would do when I could start acting with my physical body.
One does not necessarily have to descend fully into the foetus until after birth, but since I was curious to experience life on a dense-matter planet, I decided to do so. I descended fully, and I had expected a couple of days to experience life in the womb. To my surprise, the descent of my being into the physical body immediately triggered my mother’s contractions and the birth process began.
I had not even considered this, but the issue was that my mother was a fairly developed women compared to the standard of that civilization, but she had a much lower level of consciousness than mine, having been in embodiment on earth for a long time. So she simply could not handle having the intensity of my energy or light in her auric field and immediately had to push me out in order to regain some kind of composure. I mean, she literally went into a state of panic as soon as she felt the fullness of my auric field, and she was screaming for the doctors to help her get this over with.
From the moment the contractions began, I started feeling something I had never experienced before, namely pain in my physical body. I know it will seem surprising, but on my first planets, I had never experienced physical pain (nor pain at the emotional, mental or identity level). Now I was experiencing this, and it was both shocking psychologically and very unpleasant physically. The pain intensified when I was (much against my will) squeezed into the birth canal.
At that moment, I began to realize something I had never considered before, namely that the physical body can influence the three higher bodies. On a natural planet, the flow of energy is always from the higher bodies to the physical. Of course, you have experiences with the physical body, but they have no direct influence on the higher bodies. A physical experience can, for example, trigger an emotion, but only if you consciously allow it to do so. In other words, there can be a flow from the physical to the higher bodies, but your conscious mind is in control of what gets through. This is not the case on a dense-matter planet, and the significance of this will become clear by what I experienced in my first embodiment.
In the birth canal, I experienced how the intense discomfort and pain of the physical body triggered feelings that I had no conscious control over. These were emotional responses programmed into my emotional body by the experiences of all of the people who had previously been born in my family line. I started feeling a sense of panic and a fear of what would come next, even a fear of how severe the pain would become.
As I was sliding out of the birth canal, I was not in any way identified with these feelings. I knew they were not actually my feelings because I had not chosen them. Yet even though I was not fully absorbed in them, I could not avoid them either. I could not turn them off, as they were already in my emotional body. In my previous experience, nothing got from the physical body to the higher bodies without me making a conscious choice, but here I had no choice (I had the choice to descend into the body, but once this choice was made, I did not have the choice to avoid the consequences).
I also experienced certain thoughts about what dangers might await me, and this was also a purely programmed response. On the conscious level, I was still fully confident that I could handle anything this planet could throw at me, but in my mental body and identity body I noticed powerful thoughts about what “they” might do to me and how limited of a being I really was. Again, I was merely observing these without identifying with them, but I was beginning to realize that this was also something I could not turn off.
Before I really knew what had happened, I was pushed and pulled out of the birth canal (the doctor had cold hands), and a doctor held me up by the legs and they cleared my airways with a suction hose. He then held me still, and I became aware that all of the people in the delivery room were looking at me with expectation in their auras. I was completely absorbed in processing my impressions, but finally had the thought: “What do they want from me?”
The doctor then
started massaging me and they were beginning to talk with concerned voices. They could clearly see I was breathing, but apparently that wasn’t enough because suddenly one of them slapped me in the butt and I again felt pain. “Why isn’t he
crying?” said one person and the thought came to me: “What is crying? What do they want me to do?” Then someone slapped me in the butt much harder, and to my surprise, my body reacted by letting out a very tentative cry. They all looked relieved
and were about to put me down next to my mother, but by that time, the thought
came to me: “Oh, this is crying? So they want me to cry? Well, let’s see what this baby can do!” I then let
out a cry that shocked them so much that the doctor nearly dropped me. I later heard someone say they had never heard a baby cry so loudly.
Well, they got to hear it all right, because once I found out how the body cries, I didn’t stop for two full days. I mean, I cried for 48 hours straight because I simply couldn’t process all of the emotions that had come up in my emotional body as a result of being born and suddenly feeling the energies in the physical octave full force.
Nothing could ever have prepared me for the contrast between a natural planet and earth. On a natural planet, there is no discomfort in being in a physical body. On earth, just being in the body feels intensely uncomfortable. By now, of course, I have gotten so used to it that I hardly notice, like everyone else. Yet the first time I came into embodiment, it was such an utter shock that it took me 48 hours to find some kind of equilibrium.
It wasn’t just a matter of being in a physical body but even more experiencing the energies of earth through my four lower bodies. The energies on this planet were so intense compared to what I had experienced before, especially because I experienced so much fear, anger and hatred that I simply could not believe human beings could even have such feelings towards each other. I could not believe that they did not experience how toxic such emotions are to themselves. I thought that if a sane person experienced what effect it had on ones own four bodies that we send hatred towards another human being, that person would never allow itself to feel hatred. I mean, I thought no one could be so stupid that they knowingly hurt themselves (now I know the PCBs really are that stupid). I was so shocked by feeling the energies people were sending at each other that I felt completely overwhelmed, and it took me two full days to adjust to the point where I could handle being here.
Another aspect of my discomfort was that I had lost my conscious connection to my councillors and my I AM Presence. I knew, of course, that this would happen on a planet as dense as earth. I had not really worried about this because I knew that even on a dense planet, it is possible to regain this contact. After an initial period of forgetting who you are and where you came from, you can adjust to the energies and begin to restore some contact with the higher realm. I was sure I would be able to do this, but I did, of course, forget my origin. I had an inner sense that I had forgotten something very important but because I had no conscious idea what it was, it was a very unpleasant feeling of not belonging here.
During the first two days, I didn’t eat, despite the fact that they offered me my mother’s breasts and all kinds of artificial devices. I simply cried and spit out whatever they tried to stuff into my mouth. Needless to say, I was then separated from my mother, and since I woke up all of the other babies, I was put in a room by myself.
I cried the first day because it was so damned uncomfortable just to be in the body. On the second day I cried because my body was so damned hungry. Although they looked at me and examined me regularly, they had apparently given up trying to feed me after the first day. Finally, it dawned on me that perhaps they would feed me if I stopped crying, and that proved to be the case. No sooner had I stopped crying than I was put next to my mother and a soft nipple was pushed into my mouth. I drank pretty much the same way I had cried: “Damn the torpedoes; full speed ahead.”
I can’t say I had a happy childhood. But then again, I can’t say I had an unhappy childhood because I had no frame of reference for what it meant to be a child on earth. I can, in retrospect, see that I definitely did not fit in.
On a natural planet, you descend into an adult body that can do anything a body can do. Having to wait 16 years before I was considered an adult was sheer agony, and I could not wait until my body had reached the level where I could start doing what I came here to do. Of course, I had no conscious awareness of what I knew before I took embodiment, but I had very strong intuitive impressions of having a purpose for being here and wanting to do something.
My mother never adjusted to the intensity of my energy field and spent as little time with me as possible. As an excuse, she tried to label me as a strange, even mentally ill, child, but anyone who got to know me disagreed with her. I must admit, I had no particular feelings for her because I had no previous history with her, and she had, quite frankly, just been a tool for me to come into embodiment. So I fully understood why she did not have strong feelings for me and I had no problem with us being separated. I was placed in a kind of communal setting with many other children, some of them my father’s children with other wives and some of them the children of the leading people in my father’s court.
I did relatively well there, although I never formed friendships with any of the other children. This was due to the fact that because I had never embodied on earth before, my creative faculties had not been dulled. I learned extremely quickly, and I could walk, talk and read much earlier than other children. I had some problems figuring out how the body works, so for many years I did not do as well as others in physical activities. Yet once I reached the teen-age years, I excelled in any kind of sport.
I also excelled in any kind of book learning, and this made the other children keep a certain distance to me, a combination of jealousy and fear. I, of course, did not act in any superior or arrogant manner towards others as I felt my abilities were far less than what I was used to. I thought I was doing rather poorly compared to the intuitive sense I had of what should be possible.
Of course, I did know more than most people, and I had an intuitive sense of what life could, and should, be like. So I would often ask both children and adults what they considered very strange or even threatening questions. When I came across some condition on earth that I intuitively knew did not occur on a natural planet, I would ask questions about why we were doing these kinds of things. Naturally, people were doing them because they had been brought up to do them, and the actions had become part of the PIN of the time, so people had never questioned why they were doing this. Consequently, they found it very unpleasant to deal with my questions. This didn’t stop me from asking, as I was not very concerned about the feelings of other people. But it did stop them from giving me an opportunity to ask and I spent a lot of time alone.
One of the few people who could handle the intensity of my energy field was my father, and as I grew older, we spent more and more time together. I enjoyed being in his energy field because, although it was lower in vibration than my own, it was still the highest on the planet at the time. He enjoyed being around me, and he would often say I reminded him of something, but he couldn’t remember what it was. I didn’t understand it consciously at the time, but I reminded him of his own origin.
My father was also a being who had not been created to live on earth. He had volunteered to come to earth on a rescue mission as he conceived it. He had at the time been embodying on earth for so long that he had forgotten this and he had also lowered his energies considerably. Yet because he had held on to much of his integrity, his energy field was still much higher than any person around him.
The civilization had a very hierarchical society with my father as the undisputed supreme leader. Yet although he had unlimited power, he never abused it. He was what you might call a just and wise ruler, a philosopher-king. On a natural planet, he would have done very well and would have taken his civilization higher than when he started his reign. The difference being that on a natural planet, there are no PCBs in embodiment and therefore a ruler can afford to be just.
What I mean is that my father was just in the sense that he followed a code of ethics and the laws of society. This meant that although he suspected certain people of plotting against him, he did not use his power to get rid of them but felt he could not act until they had proven their intentions. And although this is honourable, it simply doesn’t work when you are dealing with PCBs, and it became my father’s downfall and the downfall of the entire civilization. But I am getting ahead of myself because in my first embodiment I had no awareness of PCBs and how different they are from what we might call natural beings. Let me instead describe what I experienced and how I looked at it.
Because I had no awareness of PCBs and how they work, I thought my father’s actions were completely admirable. I had come from natural planets where beings never plot to harm others, and I could not imagine why anyone would want to do this. It was obvious to me that my father was the ruler, and furthermore he was clearly the person in the court most capable of ruling. I could not even imagine that anyone would think differently.
However, I did have certain abilities that people today consider psychic or clairvoyant. One of these was that I could both see and sense other people’s energy fields. My father, for example, had the brightest energy field of any person I met during my childhood (apart from my own, but I could not see my own because I was inside it). Some of his councillors also had fairly bright energy fields, with one notable exception.
My father had an older brother who was one of the high-ranking officials in my father’s government. With the sensory capability that most people have today, there would have been nothing special about this person. He looked like any other man, although he had a distinct physical appearance, being very tall and strong with a sharp profile. He also had a very intense demeanor with a strong gaze that most people could not endure for even a second.
With my sensory capabilities, I noticed something strange about this man from my early childhood. My father had an energy field that radiated light of a pure vibration, meaning clear colors. His older brother had an energy field that was so dark that it absorbed light much of the time while sometimes radiating light of lower vibrations, such as red, orange, black or muddled colors. I did not know at the time that this is one of the tell-tale signs of a PCB in embodiment.
Now, the civilization had a clearly patriarchal rule (the suppression of women had started millions of years earlier when the first PCBs embodied on the planet). The succession of the throne was determined by inheritance, meaning only a son of the previous ruler could inherit the throne. Yet it was not automatically the oldest son that would inherit. The civilization was conscious of its past, and we were taught how previous rulers had almost destroyed the civilization. This was because the oldest son of the ruler would automatically inherit the throne, even if he was unfit to rule.
Instead, my civilization had created a system where the ruler would take multiple wives and father many children. A council of elders would then select one of the sons as the next ruler based on how they saw his abilities to rule. This explains why my father had been selected as the ruler instead of his older brother. His brother had, from a superficial perspective, accepted this and had always acted with outer loyalty to my father. He had fulfilled his position very well and was extremely capable of organizing anything from affairs of state to large building projects. This was due to his uncanny ability to bend people with his will-power.
Let me insert a practical note here. My father’s name in that embodiment was Jeshu and my uncle’s name was Lucifer. I know this latter name (and some I will use later) causes a certain emotional reaction in today’s world, but back then they caused no such reaction. I will use these names from now on in order to make it easier to identify these two beings. As will be clear, I have embodied with these two many times in many different situations, and they have not always been my father or uncle. Their names have not been the same either, but for practical purposes I will use the same names about these two beings.
The voices of the readers about the book:
I’ve read a lot of spiritual books in my life, but I can categorically state that I have
read nothing quite like this before, not even close. And I don’t think I’m going too far out on a limb here to say it is perhaps one of the most original and engaging books in its genre ever published.
The structure of the book is unusual for starters. It’s essentially a two-fold alpha/omega interplay of a personal, supposedly fictional narrative across a few of the author’s game changing past lives, interspersed with commentary providing
insight and deep perspective on the story’s drama.
The personal narrative is totally compelling, page turner type stuff. For me it was also a beyond words fully immersive experience – where I felt
I was there with the author or had experienced situations very similar to them myself. And what does he describe? Well without giving too much away, imagine a journey through time, far beyond recorded history, millions of years in fact when many of us first
embodied on earth.
The author describes in detail what life was like in these antediluvian days in civilizations, some far more advanced than ours. I can tell you one thing. It was no picnic! As we are embodied
on what are referred to in the book as “unnatural” as opposed to an “natural” planet. And the reason for this unnaturalness and why life on this planet has been so challenging on this planet from then until now, has everything to do
with both the descent in the state of consciousness of the people that were among earth’s original inhabitants, and perhaps more importantly the presence of what are described as “fallen beings” – co-creators who reached a certain level
of attainment in previous realms, but then “fell” to subsequent realms as they consciously chose to move against the spiritual purposes of life – in effort to prove God wrong in giving co-creators free will.
Much of the book is about the authors direct and repeated encounters with certain among these fallen beings across many lifetimes and the very hard-won lessons learned through these encounters. And in reading it, it seems to me that these lessons are
those that can potentially be embraced by all – both individually and collectively, and in doing so we definitely help to create a far more loving and spiritual planet.
Despite all the painful, yet profound
lessons learned by the author’s interactions with the fallen beings (and by the way, “painful” is a huge understatement, as you’ll discover between these pages) there is also a love story that pulsates throughout the book. Not a romantic
one, but a love story nonetheless between the spirit spark we know as Jesus and the author. Their relationship feels like soul mates, cosmic brothers making their way through various incarnations together, suffering, learning, laughing together as they grow
in consciousness, each with their own gifts, but Jesus always perhaps a bit more the eager student (and with such a relationship is it any wonder the author still serves a messenger for Jesus in this age). This is all culminates in mind blowing revelations
and insights about Jesus’ final incarnation 2000 years ago – revelations that pertain to all of us and our own relationship to Jesus as well as the divine within us.
Of course, like any review,
I need to use words. But as previously mentioned, words in of themselves are inadequate to describe the experience I had while reading it. It was a truly transformative and inspirational. I was not the same person when I finished the book than when I started.
If like me, you experience tears of joy and profound realizations along the way, I think you’ll know what I mean. Somehow Kim’s story becomes our own – and the journey to self discovery as well as the fun, has just begun.
By StevetheSeeker
I consider myself a deep reader more than an avid reader, and I been doing my toil to come to terms with reading since, lately, I haven't been able to immerse strong enough in the books I chose to set forth in the journey of my soul. I have a poetic string and I appreciate literature in its finest form, books from Kafka, Rimbaud, Eliot, Whitman, William Blake have left a deep imprint in my leeway, and as I rejoice at their writing in form and their meaning subdued I have never felt in terms of revelation what I extracted from this piece. I read 300 pages in one night! I wanted to understand more of this life and with this book I understood, It is a journey in itself but it also makes you decide steps for your own journey. At times shocking, at times astounding, this book is good for the few (hopefully more every day) that follow the path of discovery beyond the realms of institutionalized religion and doctrine. You'll have to brave to read it.
By Alfredo Alvarezon October 11, 2017
If your mind is wide open to the Truth of the deeper mystical
aspects of spirituality, then I highly recommend reading this profound book (though "book" seems somewhat limiting, as this is more of an unbound journey).
The story/s and perspectives allowed me to awaken
to accepting a grander knowing of the world we live in and personal memories, for which I had difficulty comprehending until Kim stepped up to share a remembrance beyond what the materialist mind could ever conceive. I deeply value the guidance from the Ascended
Masters yet this book shared the same messages from the "yet to ascend" perspective. I was rapt from beginning to end, and there was not a single droplet of doubt entering my mind (which would be the experience for the majority of people in this age). I now
have a deeper understanding of the fallen beings, this is helping me to process many experiences and allowing me to see the self without judgement, and thus, transcend.
On one hand I could say that this book
is courageous, though that statement would only take away from the fact that this is one being telling its story of truth, which simply is free will.
By Penielon October 13, 2017
A novel, but not a novel like nothing anyone has ever seen before. Weeks after reading this book I've seen all kinds of things that I wasn't aware of before .I think this book is like one of those computer programs that goes through your files showing you all the junk that is taking space up on your computer so you can see it and clear it up .One example is Hitler I could never figure out such love people had for him. After looking at youtube I see he set himself up as a father figure always having young children bring him flowers where ever he went very cunning. We all have a love for the Divine Father build into us he just perverted it setting himself up in place where the Divine Father should be . The showed me fallen beings are a black hole, but they can somehow mirror back the love we have in ourselves to manipulate it back to us making us think that they have great love I'm sure every time. I read this book I will l find more junk files.
By John Bowenon October 25, 2017
I am at a loss for words and cannot form a review that would say enough about this teaching. If you are ready to take a leap in consciousness, read this book. Thank you Kim Michaels for putting this information out there for those who are seeking truth.
By Kaileeon October 17, 2017
Due to his position, my uncle was often around whenever I had contact with my father. In the beginning, I didn’t notice Lucifer paying attention to me, although I now know he was keeping a sharp eye on me from before I was born. As I grew older and my father started spending more time with me, I often noticed my uncle looking at me, and when he did so, his aura took on a deep, red hue, almost like molten lava. I knew this meant he was angry with me, but I could not see why as I could conceive of no reason for Lucifer’s anger.
When I was 12, my uncle got my father’s permission to take me hunting, which was a sport enjoyed by many of the people in the leadership of society. I thought nothing of it, although I had no particular interest in pursuing an animal and killing it with a spear. We were riding on animals similar to the horses of today and we were hunting animals that were somewhat similar to today’s lions. We rode out in a big group, but as we encountered a pride of lions, we began to spread out.
Suddenly, I found myself in a canyon that turned out to be a dead end. As I turned my horse around and started riding out, I saw Lucifer come riding towards me with a very determined look on his face. As he came closer, he made no sound, but looked me directly in the eye with an intensity in his gaze that I had not seen before. He clearly wanted my attention, and as he came up next to me, he stopped his horse and grabbed the reigns of mine, holding us so our faces were close to each other.
He then looked me straight in the eye, and although I looked back, my peripheral vision perceived a dark energy radiating from his aura. It enveloped my body and for a moment I felt a physical paralysis. Then I thought: “What is he trying to do? Interesting, that he is directing this dark energy at me. What would happen if I directed my light energy back?”
I then focused on my heart chakra and directed the most intense energy of love towards Lucifer. This was something I had practised doing during my childhood because I had learned that some people were able to handle it and it would have a positive effect on them. For example, my father would sometimes call me to his chamber when he had been through a difficult experience, and in a few seconds of directing love at him, he would feel restored to his normal energy level. So I now directed this energy at Lucifer, and it took him a few seconds to realize that I was not responding as he clearly expected.
He then looked even more intense and clearly gathered all of his psychic power, directing an even more intense wave of dark energy at me. I felt kind of amused, as it was obvious he thought his dark energy could overpower my love, which I was convinced was an impossibility. So I directed an even more intense ray of love back, and it started dissolving the dark energy from my uncle. After a few seconds, I could see how the love energy was starting to penetrate his aura. He also sensed it, suddenly looking very agitated. After a few more seconds, there was a visible shift in his demeanor, as the intensity disappeared from his eyes and he suddenly looked like a normal man.
He was clearly shaken, but very quickly regained his composure, another hallmark of a PCB. In a split second, he took on a concerned look and said: “My prince, it can be dangerous to separate from the group, I suggest we join them again.” He then let go of my horse, turned his own around and rode out of the canyon without looking back. I became aware of a very strange sensation, which I had never before experienced. Yet in my succeeding embodiments, I learned to know it well: The sense of euphoric relief one has after having escaped a very great danger.
Lucifer quickly disappeared from view and I slowly rode towards where I thought the group would be. After some time, I was in an area with dense brush when I heard a voice up ahead. I slowed down my horse and stopped behind a bush where I was hidden but could overlook a small clearing. Here I witnessed my uncle with one of this close subordinates. Lucifer was talking to the man in an extremely derogatory tone of voice while at the same time directing a very dark energy at him.
I could see how the energy enveloped not only the man’s physical body but his entire aura. I could see how his aura literally contracted. I then saw a flame of the dark energy from my uncle form a kind of hook that was directed straight into the man’s hearth center. I saw how the man completely submitted himself to my uncle and how the hook extracted a small cloud of light energy from the other person’s energy field. The hook was then drawn back into my uncle’s field, and for the first time I noticed (due to seeing it at a distance) how fragile and tattered Lucifer’s aura looked. It was obvious that his attempt to overpower me had deprived him of energy, and he was now in the process of stealing it from the other person. When Lucifer’s aura absorbed the light energy from the other person, it was quickly restored to its normal appearance.
As soon as my uncle felt this, he made some final remark and left the man, who immediately fell to the ground and looked almost dead, his aura being very scattered. I then directed love energy at the man, and within a few minutes, his aura was restored to normal. He got on his horse and rode after my uncle, neither of them having seen me.
I thought: “Was that what my uncle was trying to do to me?” Yet I realized he was not simply trying to steal energy from me. Upon reflection, I thought he might have been trying to either test me or to actually overpower me, as he had clearly overpowered his subordinate. I suspected he had been trying to bend me to his will for some purpose that clearly could not be good. In the coming time, I observed Lucifer whenever possible, and I realized all of his subordinates had submitted themselves unconditionally to him. For them, his word was the ultimate law. I was amazed and I thought: “Did he really think he could do that to me? Did he really think he could overpower me with fear-based energy and that love would submit to fear?”
Had I only realized how easily fear can overpower love on earth, I might have run away and avoided the most traumatic experience imaginable, an experience that it has taken me two millions years to rise above.
As I became older, my father and I developed a closer and closer relationship, and it became clear to many people that he was grooming me to take over the throne after him. Not that he could decide this on his own, but he was clearly educating me to be the best candidate, trusting the election council would do their work as they were charged with doing.
What I did not quite realize was that my uncle did not trust the election council. Or perhaps I should say that he did indeed trust them to choose the best candidate, but he had his own candidate and he wanted to make sure he got elected. This candidate was my father’s first son, and I was aware that he and my uncle had a special relationship. I could also observe how my older brother’s energy field submitted itself completely to Lucifer. I began to realize that my uncle had been furious that he was not selected as regent even though he was the first-born son. I saw how he lusted for power and how he was grooming my older brother to become regent so that Lucifer could control him.
However, because I was so innocent or naive, I could not quite see why my uncle was bothering to do this. Given that Lucifer was 22 years older than Jeshu, it was likely that my father would reign long after my uncle had died so what good would it do him to control the new regent when he was dead? I simply couldn’t understand this, and the obvious explanation didn’t occur to me, namely that Lucifer did not plan to let Jeshu live out his natural lifespan.
I attempted to talk to my father about what I observed in my uncle, but although he respected my observations when it came to other people, he felt a loyalty to his brother. My father was brought up to see the family as something sacred, and he refused to look objectively at his own brother. And I could not fault him. Lucifer had always shown an outer loyalty to Jeshu and to our civilization. He had performed every task he had been given very well and had always shown dedication to the state and to my father. I had no evidence against my uncle, only my clairvoyant observations, and I understood why my father wanted more. The only problem being that when the outer proof was given, it was too late to avoid the downfall of our civilization.
Shortly after I turned 18, a conflict developed between our nation and the second-largest civilization. We clearly saw ourselves as the largest and most sophisticated civilization, and as is usually the case, we had taken some privileges to which we felt entitled. As a reaction to this, a federation of smaller states had developed, and they had now become so powerful they were beginning to challenge some of our privileges. This came to a head when they attacked some of our ships and occupied some small islands that were thought to have a great mining potential.
My father first took a cautious approach and sent envoys to inquire as to the federation’s grievances and their desires. It first seemed that a negotiated settlement would be possible, but soon other minor events escalated the tension. Taken at face value, these events were insignificant, but as triggers in the already tense situation, they had the potential to lead to an armed confrontation. My father knew our weapons and armed forces were superior to those of the federation, but it was difficult to evaluate how powerful their combined forces had become. He was therefore determined to do everything possible to avoid a war, even though many people in our civilization encouraged it. One of these was, needless to say, Lucifer who argued that war was inevitable and that we should strike first.
My father ignored these people and instead listened to the more moderate among our leaders who encouraged further negotiations. Jeshu went out of his way to bring about negotiations, including refraining from striking back when further armed provocations took place. He sent a delegation to the leader of the opposing side, and he invited their emperor (whose name was Satan, a name I will use from now on because I also encountered this being in many succeeding embodiments) to come to our capitol for negotiations, making him a very generous offer of concessions he was prepared to make.
While our delegation was traveling, further provocations took place and Satan used this as an excuse for why he would not leave his headquarters at such a critical time. Yet he did not close the door to negotiations but answered that they could only take place if Jeshu was willing to come to him. This was clearly a provocation, as the leader of the greatest party does not come to the leader of the smaller party, but my father still asked all of his advisors for input on whether he should accept the invitation, as it seemed to be the only way to avoid war. Most were against this, but the more peaceful were for it. These councillors felt, as my father did, that Satan was a basically honorable man and that he was sincere about negotiating.
I was somewhat surprised that my uncle did not play a very active role in the negotiations, but I did notice that his aura was even darker than normal. At a critical point in the negotiations, I saw my uncle exchange a look with my older brother, who rose and spoke before the council.
My brother said that he had received some information that Satan was suspicious of our intentions and feared for his safety. He said that knowing who we were, this was clearly ridiculous, since we would honor our word. Yet perhaps it was understandable that Satan would feel this way since he did not know us as we knew ourselves.
He then said that obviously, one could level the same suspicion against Satan, namely that he was plotting against my father. Yet my brother felt that there was no possibility that the other side, being clearly inferior in military strength, would actually dare to violate their word, as we would retaliate with our full strength in case of such a betrayal. He also said that everyone could see that if tensions continued to escalate, war was inevitable. He said he was ready to fight such a war, but if the elder people in the council wanted to make one more effort to avoid war, my brother could see only one possibility, namely that my father would accept the offer to visit the federation’s capitol.
This suggestion won general approval, and I could see from my father’s aura that he had already made up his mind. It therefore did no good that I later told him I felt very strongly that there would be a betrayal and that he should not go. My father did ask me for my reasons, but I could give no facts, only my very strong intuitive sense that this would have extremely severe consequences. Again, because I had no other evidence, my father said he could not go against the advice of so many people based on my intuition. And again, I could not blame him. I knew I would have chosen differently, but that was because I personally had the intuitive foreboding. If I had been in my father’s position, I would have done what he did.
It took about a week to arrange everything and prepare the huge delegation that would accompany Jeshu. The day before they would leave, my father called me to his office, and as I entered I found most of the members of the selection committee present. Jeshu explained that he had for some time realized that I would be the best candidate for replacing him. He said he respected the committee’s authority and did not want to tell them whom to choose. But he did want them to know that I had certain intuitive abilities and that these had told him not to go. If something should happen to him, then obviously my intuition would have been proven correct, which would prove I had extraordinary abilities and was best able to rule. He wanted the committee to know this so they could make it part of their deliberations.
Jeshu then dismissed the councillors and we said our good-byes. I cried openly, as I could not hold back the feeling that something terrible would happen. It was therefore not the happiest of occasions.
Later that evening, I received word that my uncle had requested my presence in his office, which was located in a more secluded area of the palace. I was instantly suspicious, but because of his position, I had no reason to reject his invitation. As I entered his office, my older brother was also there. Lucifer now began one of the cleverest attempts at deception I have ever witnessed, even though I have witnessed many such attempts since then.
Lucifer presented a very convincing case that my father had developed a mental illness that meant he was no longer able to make rational decisions and understand the potential consequences. Lucifer said Jeshu was so in love with an ideal of his own benevolence that he ignored the realities of what was a danger to the state. He also presented much evidence for how Satan had plans to hold my father hostage and use it to gain an advantage in the negotiations. Lucifer explained that he had spies that had obtained Satan’s plans. Satan intended to use my father to get what he wanted by negotiating. He would then kill my father afterwards. Therefore, my father was as good as dead if he left the palace.
Lucifer also said that if Satan did not get what he wanted in negotiations, he would still wage war. My uncle made it clear that Satan had become obsessed with power and did not simply want advantages but wanted to have absolute power on earth by relegating us to second position or destroying us.
I was so taken aback by this that I just sat there and listened to it all. Of course, I was also curious to see where it was leading. My uncle obviously found my silence encouraging and began to act as if we were already on the same side and were there to determine what was best for the state. He played very cleverly on the fact that he knew I was very concerned about my father leaving. During the whole session, I saw the anger in him, but I also saw how he was very careful not to direct any fear-based energy at me. He had clearly realized from our first encounter that he could not overpower me so now he was using all of his skills to persuade me. And quite frankly, had I not had the ability to read his aura, I would have been persuaded.
After some time, his real purpose was revealed. Lucifer said that according to a little-known paragraph in our constitution, it was possible to dethrone a regent if he had lost his ability to govern in the best interest of the state. However, this could only be done if two of his sons were willing to agree on this. My older brother had already agreed to support this move, and now he was asking for me to be the second son to support it. He said that this was only for the good of the state and also to save my father from his own good but naive intentions. He proposed that he himself would become temporary ruler until the selection committee could choose whether my older brother or I should be the new regent (my uncle was excluded from becoming regent because the current regent had sons of the appropriate age). He then turned to me and said with his most “endearing” tone of voice: “So what do you say, my boy, will you help us in securing a bright future for our civilization?”
At that moment, I felt how a powerful energetic hook was extended from his aura and attempted to penetrate mine. I took some seconds to answer, and said: “Uncle, you make a very convincing case.” I paused and observed how his aura pulsated, as he apparently thought he had me convinced. I then continued: “Yes, you might have convinced me, if it wasn’t for the fact that I have the ability to read your energy field and your hidden intentions. I have known since our hunt in the desert that you do not have good intentions towards my father. I think the only thing true in your presentation was that Satan has an obsessive desire for power. What you forgot to mention is that his obsession with power is second to your own. Therefore, I will never, ever support you in your quest …”
I stopped,
partly because I observed how a bright red glow started to emerge from his aura and partly because it had just occurred to me that I had made a fatal mistake. It became obvious to me that my uncle had revealed his intentions to me, and because I had rejected
him, he could not afford to let me leave the room as I would clearly expose him to my father. Yet I barely had time to consider what his options might be when he did something that truly surprised me (mostly because I was arrogant enough to think he would
not harm a person of my status).
This book is so different from anything I have ever read that I'm not really sure how to approach writing a review for it. Okay, first things first I guess:
I found this book to be powerful, inspiring and valuable beyond words. Saying I liked it doesn't begin to communicate the experience, but it'll have to do for now.
Now, when I say that this book is very different,
I don't mean to say that reading it was an utterly alien experience. Some comparisons could be made. For example, being a biographical book, I can say that it reminded me of a couple of books similar in intent and which also narrate events that can easily
be labeled as too fantastical: "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramhansa Yogananda and "A Dweller on Two Planets" by Phylos. I can also say that I have been aware of Kim Michaels' work for some time now, ever since I stumbled upon a website he maintained years
ago called Ask Real Jesus (I'm trying to recall exactly how long ago it was, but I can't.. 10 years? something like that). With this I wanted to remark that many of the ideas presented in this book were not completely new to me as I had read them in one way
or another among the multitude of content that is available on his websites.
However, even when the previous paragraph is my best effort to put this book in some sort of context or frame of reference, I have
to admit it can't come close to describing the experience of reading this book. It is truly powerful and.. revolutionary may be the word I'm looking for. The author has a remarkable ability to explain things in a way that I can understand easily; ideas and
teachings that I have had a hard time fully internalizing, until now. Reading of this book brought many of those "Aha / Eureka" moments when something just clicked inside my mind. If you have ever consciously experienced one of those, I don't have to tell
you just how valuable the experience is and the amount of gratitude that it brings you. It has been only on rare occasions when reading a book rekindles my excitement about life and whatever it brings: learning from its experiences and taking the next step
on my path, accompanied by so many of my brothers and sisters on this planet.
I just want to say to the author, thank you. A thousand times, thank you.
By Leonardo Bon November 21, 2017
Words cannot express my gratitude for Kim Michaels and the works he has brought forth from the ascended realm. He is a true inspiration and example. This book is for spiritually advanced beings only who know how to use the heart to identify the truth of all things and their source through vibration
By Amazon Customeron October 12, 2017
My experience from reading this book was like reading between the
lines of the teachings of the Ascended Masters, and I also felt like my consciousness was raised many levels. I am currently re-reading the book and doing a more detailed study of the teachings in it, so I might have more to add to this review later.
It is important to know that your current level of consciousness will determine how you view the book's contents/what meaning the book has for you. In other words, everyone's experience or response will be somewhat
different, and perhaps should not be labeled in the form of a value judgment such as being good or bad.
By Leon Lalsinghon December 6, 2017
I read quite a few books of Kim Michaels yet this was one of the most powerfull for me at personal level. It helped me look at some deep shock and fear and go through it (with help of degrees from his other books). It's was not an easy read but a page turner at the same time.
By Amazon Customeron December 4, 2017
I couldn't put this book down. It contains valuable spiritual teachings as well as a life story spanning millions
of years that couldn't be more interesting and helpful for those of us on the spiritual path.
Thank you Kim Michaels for the courage to put this book out there!
By Erick Hon September 23, 2017
This author previously wrote a small book called The Least You Should Know About Life. This book goes where no author has gone before. Dare to find out where!
By sandyon September 16, 2017
Extremely interesting and illuminating
By Walter Laboniaon October 12, 2017
An extraordinary,amazing ,mind blowing and very liberating book.It mercilessly stripped off the lies and programming we have been exposed for a very,very long time on Earth.
By Amazon Customeron October 15, 2017
Greatest book i have ever read it can cause you to spiritualy awaken if preceived from a open mind as it did me.
By Curtis Fulkerson on November 20, 2017
I am a fan of Kim Michaels and have read at least 6 of his books.
He is doing what VERY few can do he has a clear connection with source and proves it in his prolifany.
This one “My lives with Lucifer,Satin and Hitler” is like no other book I or you have ever read.
The way it’s starts is a little confusing but it is the foundation for one of the most interesting journeys I’ve experienced.
Please don’t be put off by the darkness
of the beginning is I promise you will get to the light and a fascinating adventure.
His writing is like an Acended Master, and I have read the complete “St.Germain “I Am”series’s” the
Message feels the same.
Yet– this is an adventure like no other. I know it’s not for everyone but if you were lead to it trust your IAM Presence and get ready to have a “Mind blowing experience”.
I gave it 5 stars because it deserves it.
Thank you Kim Michaels
By Terrelon December 12, 2017
It was a shock to read about the closeness of Lucifer and Satan. During my childhood I developed a view of this being as being
evil and remote at the same time. And so, although as remote names and beings, I thought I had not really anything to fear.
This book helped me to realize that the reality is a complete other story. It was both shocking
and inspiring to help me realize that these remote beings have a lot of influence in my life and I can do something. What I can do? That is what you can find out reading. Not for the faint of hart !!!
By hans van wingen on December 12, 2017
You can buy
the book here: